Colors: Blue Color

The new BYQ Rosh Chodesh Initiative, entitled “Double in a Bubble,” was introduced on Tuesday, Rosh Chodesh Kislev. The purpose of the program is to counteract some of the feelings of isolation that the students are experiencing due to social distancing, Plexiglas, and mask-wearing. The program is based on the pasuk in Koheles, “Tovim ha’shnayim min ha’echad – Two are better than one.” Although each class is in its “class bubble” and practicing distancing guidelines, a different fun and exciting activity will be done each Rosh Chodesh in pairs (“double”) to encourage camaraderie, partnership, sharing, and caring.

As part of HAFTR Middle School’s school-wide advisory program, where all students are placed into small groups with an assigned faculty advisor, November’s advisory session focused on gratitude. Students learned about the importance of Hakaras HaTov, acknowledging the good, giving thanks, and expressing gratitude, and delved into the tremendous role that gratitude plays in Judaism. Students also delved into research that highlights the many benefits of gratitude, including greater health, academic growth, social support, and even better sleep.

The Jewish world lost two Torah giants this past weekend, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l and Rav Dovid Feinstein zt”l. On Monday, Central commemorated their legacies with a program led by Mrs. Hadassah Frankel. Rabbi Zvi Lew spoke about Rav Feinstein’s humility and shared photos submitted by Rav Feinstein’s niece, Mrs. Russi Fried, and senior Rebecca Mermelstein spoke about her personal connection with him and his rebbetzin as a member of the Lower East Side community.

MTA’s Open House went virtual this year, and participants could feel the yeshivah’s signature warmth, energy, and excitement through their screens, and even their front doors, as they were welcomed into MTA’s home from the comfort of their own homes. Prior to the event, attendees were surprised with visits from MTA rebbeim, faculty members, administrators, and parents, who personally delivered a special Open House gift bag to each registered family and took the opportunity to get to know them.