Colors: Blue Color

The Civic Spirit students, led by Mrs. Audi Hecht, participated in a workshop about voters considering the dynamics of voting and values. Sophomore Anat Ebbin reflects, “This past week’s Civic Spirit’s session was very eye-opening. It was fascinating to hear from a variety of students about the things they valued for a president.

Acts of chesed these days are more important than ever, even while social distancing. With that in mind, the students of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls spent the week of October 26 listening to and learning from people who personify the attribute of chesed.

This has been an exciting time for Class 5LL at Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe. The boys have spent the time completing bios on each of the presidents of the United States, which is on display on their bulletin board outside of Room 308. They did a study on the Constitution and learned about the different branches of government, especially the Executive Branch. The boys studied what it takes to run and then become president. They also learned about some of the issues of this election.

On Monday, October 19, talmidim participating in MTA’s Honors College were privileged to hear from Dr. Dean Hosgood, a professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dr. Hosgood gave a virtual presentation on the topic of how epidemiologists identify and analyze diseases within populations. He explained the process through which epidemiologists investigate an outbreak of a disease and many of the external factors that could affect the results of their studies.

On Wednesday, October 28, Shevach students entered their Multi-Purpose Room to find it transformed into a “science laboratory.” The artwork on the walls was eye catching, containing scientific “matter” relating to chesed. One wall portrayed a solar system of planets with names such as Bnos, Help-A-Mom, Chill Zone, and Menucha V’Simcha, reminding all to expand their “horizons.” Another wall was turned into a Periodic Table of the Elements, with quotes such as “Do chesed periodically,” “Chesed is our Oxygen, and “Chesed Is More Precious Than Gold and Silver.”

Hidden Sparks Shares Guidance for Schools That Are Reverting
to Virtual Learning Due to COVID Precautions

With many of the region’s Jewish day schools temporarily transitioning back to virtual learning as a result of students testing positive for COVID-19, Hidden Sparks has released five tips for teachers to support students in mainstream Jewish day schools.