After enjoying entertaining picnic orientations, reuniting with fellow classmates and teachers, and for many, entering high school for the first time, students of the Stella K. Abraham High School had a fulfilling first day of school on Wednesday, September 7. The hallways were filled once again with the hustle and bustle of the school day, but there was something different about SKA’s interior. In addition to newly painted classrooms and hallways, attractive tables, umbrellas and chairs were now available for SKA students to enjoy their lunch in the newly renovated outdoor spaces. SKA’s Student Council also sponsored a refreshing break with Rita’s Ices, as the girls relished the good weather in the lovely grounds of the school. Erev Shabbos, Friday, September 8, was celebrated with hot delicious kugel and spirited dancing lichvod Shabbos.
Elul and Tishrei are filled with opportunities for inspiration, and SKA mothers, faculty members, students, and alumnae look forward to the chance to grow spiritually and creatively with the upcoming programs scheduled. SKA’s all-day event, Elul Day Of Inspiration: A Teshuvah Journey – Seeing Hashem in All Places and At All Times, will be held on Sunday, September 18. Participants will hear from Rabbi YY Jacobson, be able to daven at the kever of the Ribnitzer Rebbe, be inspired by the mother of Dani Morris a”h who was niftar in Meron, and learn from Rabbi Yaakov Glasser.
SKA is also keeping their graduates in mind. An exciting new program, “Come Home & Connect,” is being launched to give our alumnae the opportunity to reconnect with some of their teachers and mentors at SKA. Former SKA students will be able to make appointments directly with their teachers during specific periods during the school day. Our faculty members appreciate the ongoing relationships they have with their past students. This program is a great way to keep the connection going!
The new year at SKA is off to a bright beginning!