On Monday, January 17, the Yeshiva of Central Queens (YCQ) Grade Six Girls created Shuk Tu BiSh’vat so the entire school could experience Israeli culture. The girls learned all about Tu BiSh’vat, the Shiv’as HaMinim, and formed groups. They “sold” each of the minim and other Israeli treats to the rest of the school using “sh’kalim.” Songs were sung, food was eaten, and brachos were made. The decorations, smells, and sounds felt like a real shuk in Israel.
YCQ JHS Morah Rina Bienenfeld expressed, “The Grade Six Girls prepared booths with sign boards depicting various types of foods seen around sh’vakim. We had many stalls set up, including fruits, vegetables, dried fruit, shiv’as ha’minim, bakery, candy, and drinks. Our YCQ staff set up the room to look like an Israeli market, with palm trees and Israeli flags. With the decorations, music, smells, and flavors, it felt like we were in Israel!
“My favorite part of creating Shuk Tu BiSh’vat with the Grade Six Girls was watching their excitement and enthusiasm as they prepared. I enjoyed seeing the girls take leadership positions in their groups. They knew that because of their hard work, they were creating long-lasting memories.
“Thank you, Morah Shirley Pourad, Mr. Kevin Jimenez, and the YCQ Kitchen Staff for their organization and efficiency leading up to Tu BiSh’vat. I must thank Morah Alyssa Schussheim for giving me big shoes to fill and supporting me throughout the entire process.”
Thank you, Morah Bienenfeld, and the Grade Six Girls, for bringing a true Israeli experience to YCQ.