Just because Shabbatonim can’t happen this semester does not mean Erev Shabb-A-Tonim can’t! The seniors were the first grade to experience this new program, which began Thursday afternoon with “Kickball Kickoff” in Cunningham Park! After that, they returned to school for pre-Shabbos ruach, a session about decision-making, and Shabbat-O-Gram writing.
The fun continued even after school! On Thursday evening, seniors were invited to the home of Mrs. Aliza Gewirtz, Dean of Students, for mishmar, featuring homemade kugel (by Mrs. Gewirtz), homemade cholent (by Senior Grade Dean Mrs. Rivka Alter), and a little learning with Rabbi Joshua Goller, Mashgiach Ruchani. The students went home to catch some sleep but were back in the building the next day for Part Two!
Friday morning opened with a grade breakfast, featuring a senior skit. The seniors then headed over to the Young Israel of Jamaica Estates, where they were treated to a senior tradition: Senior Panel. They had an opportunity to ask life questions to some of their beloved teachers. Gabriella Steinberg also shared words of Torah, and when the seniors returned to school, they had “Shabbos Lunch” together, as Shabbat-O-Grams were distributed. It was the best Shabbaton to date that did not take place on Shabbos! Thank you to the Programming Directors, Mrs. Hadassah Frankel and Mrs. Rebecca Teper, for all of their efforts in putting together this exciting new initiative!