“Please talk in shul. It’s okay, really. But… only to Hashem,” has become a tagline ingrained into thousands of homes throughout the worldwide Orthodox Jewish community. The brainchild of Kew Gardens resident Rabbi Aloni Russek, founder of Divrei Chizuk, the catchphrase has successfully spread to minute corners of the globe.

Around 2005, Rabbi Russek, a respected community leader, was diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Seeking a burst of chizuk to ease his daily struggles, the masterful Queens mechanech sat in his home office and began on the formative stages of the now multifaceted non-profit. By 2008, Divrei Chizuk launched its informative web portal spreading the real potential for near-guaranteed yeshuos in one’s life.

Over the past decade-and-a-half, Divrei Chizuk has gradually evolved and now heads the virtual Thank You One Gratitude Center, enabling users to gain a closer relationship with Hashem. The Center emphasizes the theme of noticing the kindness of the Almighty and was founded to live a life of thankfulness, gratitude, and to always serve Hashem b’simchah, with boundless joy. Moreover, encouragement is provided for an individual to properly express recognition to Hashem for the small privileges we are afforded in life like a nourishing meal or a bed to rest.

At the start of this past summer, when the nights were long and dark, an apprehensive teenager overcome with troubles sent the Divrei Chizuk hotline a middle-of-the night text requesting urgent inspiration. As the sole dispatcher for the group’s incoming calls, Rabbi Russek was well prepared to ease the caller’s tensions and has subsequently remained in contact for these motivational conversations. The caller held onto a stimulating literary card distributed by the group.

Considering the situation in Eretz Yisrael, now is the precise time to maintain a deep, passionate, authentic, loving, emotional, and intimate schmooze with our Father in heaven. Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin notes, “We are living in a time where we need extra protection from Hashem, and it appears that this protection is lacking.” Rav Sorotzkin then reveals, “It seems that the reason for this is because there is talking in shul during davening.” Chazal teach that our batei midrashim are our protection from enemies since the Shechinah, our source of security, rests in a shul. But this fortification is vulnerable due to inappropriate conversations during t’filah.

“Ein Od Milvado,” connotes “Hashem, He is G-d, there is nothing else beside Him.” Citing a g’morah in Meseches Chullin, HaGaon Rav Chayim Volozhin expounds that if a person internalizes this pasuk in Sefer Devarim, they will be sheltered from destructive forces. By accepting Hashem’s absolute sovereignty, one finds themselves enveloped in our Creator’s protective wing. Although nature contains many destructive elements, the man of faith understands that they are but marionettes in the hands of the Creator.

Rabbi Russek offers a striking suggestion to achieve the correct level of kavanah. Consider if your makom t’filah provides for a safe space to converse with your Creator. If you find yourself to be amongst peers, you might be pressured into silly talk that is a blatant disrespect to Hashem Yisbarach.

Since inception, Divrei Chizuk has operated as a merit for klal Yisrael circulating tens of thousands of informational leaflets, including 30,000 Ein Od Milvado magnets declaring that there is only Hashem. Prior to the Yom Tovim of Rosh HaShanah and Pesach, Divrei Chizuk collects funds that provide Jewish youth with new attire for the chag. Additionally, the organization provides supplemental monies to assist underprivileged families with appropriate holiday food items. For Chanukah, Divrei Chizuk spearheads a winter coat campaign to keep disadvantaged children warm in the cold winter months.

The commencement of the Divrei Chizuk’s Virtual Ushpizin #9 Kollel, where appreciation is being shown to Hakadosh Baruch Hu through new programming that teaches how to live b’emunah by the power of saying, “Thank You” to Hashem with the underlying understanding that everything Hashem does is good and there is no bad in this world. Participants will receive regular updates and media to use over the course of a month. Join by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

 By Shabsie Saphirstein