Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman, Mashgiach at Yeshivas Ohr HaChaim, visited Midrash L’man Achai High School in Kew Gardens Hills on Zos Chanukah. Rav Shmuel Z. Kleinman, Rosh HaYeshivah, participated in the special program.

The yeshivah then traveled to the saintly Skverer Rebbe in New Square for an uplifting Shabbaton in the region. The students enjoyed s’udos (festive meals) at various locations and participated in all of the Rebbe’s tishim (gatherings). The talmidim had the special opportunity to hear divrei Torah from the Rebbe, and each bachur (student) received a personal brachah (blessing) for success on Motza’ei Shabbos, joined by Rav Kleinman, who sat beside the Rebbe as his talmidim approached.