It is great for MTA to be back in school after an extended break, but YUHSB had meaningful programming over Sukkos and Simchas Torah that brought their talmidim back together even outside of yeshivah. On Leil Hoshana Rabbah, Rabbi Balsam, MTA’s Rosh Beis Midrash, addressed talmidim and their fathers in Queens about simchas Yom Tov. Rabbi Konigsberg, MTA’s principal, discussed the sense of security each person feels from the sukkah to fathers and sons in West Hempstead. Rabbi Schenker, Menahel, joined a community event in Teaneck and addressed talmidim from several yeshivos and other schools. MTA talmidim appreciated the opportunity to come together and learn, while reuniting with friends.

For those talmidim who were in the Teaneck area for the last days of Yom Tov, there was a special program at Zichron Mordechai, MTA’s Rosh Yeshivah, Rabbi Taubes’ shul. The program began with Minchah, followed by a shiur by Rabbi Cohn, MTA’s Ninth Grade Dean and Mashgiach. He addressed the unique nature of this year’s Simchas Torah, following the tragedies of October 7. Following Maariv, an all-star cast of Seniors led the spirited hakafos well into the night.

MTA Seniors helped run several aspects of the program and brought so much ruach to the shul’s hakafos, which were a combination of celebratory and more subdued hakafos, as was appropriate. “The highlight of the night was definitely having the opportunity to get together as a yeshivah, even on Yom Tov. We danced together and truly enjoyed the experience,” Akiva Parver (’25).

The program concluded with a delicious seudas Yom Tov and inspiring words by Rabbi Taubes. It was incredibly special and meaningful for both the talmidim and rebbeim present to have the opportunity to celebrate Simchas Torah together as a yeshivah!