Colors: Blue Color

On Wednesday evening, May 1, the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) at the Yeshiva of Central Queens organized a Shlissel Challah Bake. Many people have the minhag to bake a shlissel-key challah for the first Shabbos following Pesach. The idea is to make a key-shaped challah or place a key inside the challah prior to baking. The “key” symbolizes that our parnasah, our livelihood, is in Hashem’s hands, and we should daven that Hashem will shower us with abundance.

Agudath Israel Hails Decision

A New York State Supreme Court justice in Albany has invalidated the State Education Department (SED)’s recently enacted guidelines for evaluating the education provided at private schools. Agudath Israel of America, one of the plaintiff groups that challenged the SED guidelines in court, welcomed the ruling as “a major victory in the battle to preserve the educational autonomy of yeshivos and other nonpublic schools.”

For over six decades, Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe has provided top quality education for talmidim of the Queens community. Today, the Yeshiva is flourishing. It still offers its renowned high-caliber curriculum in both limudei kodesh v’chol, with a strong emphasis on character development, that accompanies each talmid on his life journey. The yearly Yeshiva dinner is devoted to honoring exceptional individuals who are invested in its overall educational philosophy. The honorees have graciously stepped forward to contribute in a meaningful way to its continued growth and development. The Yeshiva will also recognize a member of the faculty who represents all of the staff in terms of his or her selfless devotion to the students. The Yeshiva is sincerely grateful for the kochos and resources the honorees have invested in Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe to ensure the continued success of its mission: to inspire and cultivate the next generation of outstanding b’nei Torah of klal Yisrael.