Colors: Blue Color

When we are faced with sorrows, we call out and turn to Hashem and His Torah, as David HaMelech stated, “Tzarah v’yagon emtza, uv’sheim Hashem ekra–I will find troubles and sorrows, and I will call out in Hashem’s name” (T’hilim 117:13).  When everything is going well, it is easy to turn to Hashem and thank Him for His goodness. The real test comes when we run into rough waters. How do we react to yisurin – life’s difficulties? We turn straight to Hashem!

The joy of Sukkos came alive for Emet Outreach students with a number of engaging programs. A beautiful sukkah adorned the great lawn at St. John’s University, a collaboration between Emet and the Jewish Student Association (JSA). Students appreciated having a sukkah on campus all week, and the highlight was an event that drew a crowd of over 60 students. While enjoying a delicious Chinese buffet, students heard words of inspiration about the chag from Rabbi Akiva Rutenberg, Emet Co-Founder and Director. Many students had the opportunity to partake in the mitzvah of lulav and esrog, as well.

For the 37th year, the TCS New York City Marathon, on November 7, 2021, will feature morning services at the Fort Wadsworth staging ground for the many Jewish runners expected to compete in the 50th jubilee edition of this world-famous road race.  The International Minyan for New York City Marathoners, inaugurated in 1983, is the longest established religious service of any kind, at any major sporting event anywhere in the world.

REACH will initially service families in the Empire State

Yachad, the Orthodox Union’s division for individuals with disabilities in the Jewish community, has announced the launch of REACH, a new Jewish communal resource and referral service for individuals with disabilities and their families. The program will initially serve the New York region, although the group plans to scale operations to accommodate families throughout the United States over time.