Colors: Blue Color

In Parshas Chayei Sarah (24:1), it says that Avraham was old – ba ba’yamim – and Hashem blessed him ba’kol (“VaShem beirach es Avraham ba’kol”). If we look at Avraham Avinu’s life, we see that he had many challenges and was constantly being tested by Hashem. What is this mysterious ba’kol (“with everything”) that Hashem blessed Avraham Avinu with?

As part of his ongoing effort to boost the quality of life in the community, Council Member James F. Gennaro spent Friday morning, October 15, revealing a series of clean-up initiatives throughout the district. Gennaro was joined by DSNY Commissioner Edward Grayson and community leaders to announce new partnerships with DSNY, the Wildcat Service Corporation, and The Doe Fund. As part of his humanitarian mission, the Council Member allocated a total of $430,000 in this year’s budget cycle for clean-up efforts targeting litter and graffiti – including $185,000 to Wildcat, $150,000 to the Doe Fund, and $95,000 to the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY).