Last week, Chazaq brought the holiday of Chanukah to life with a series of seven festive events that, combined, drew hundreds of attendees from throughout the community. Here are some of the highlights:
Starting off, pre-Chanukah, Chazaq held a special shiur with Rabbi Benzion Klatzko at Shaare Emunah in the Five Towns, helping to prepare people for the upcoming holiday. Following that was Chazaq’s annual “A Night of Gratitude” event at Od Yosef Chai in Kew Gardens Hills. The women’s only event, which was a full capacity and had standing room only, featured shiurim by Rebbetzin Amit Yaghoubi, and Rabbi Shalom Yona Weis, along with a special musical performance by Shaindel Antelis. Attendees were also gifted the new sefer, It’s All About Change, with stories and insights from Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein z”l.
On the second night of Chanukah, Chazaq Director Rabbi Ilan Meirov delivered an inspirational shiur on the power of the mind. The shiur, which took place at Beth Gavriel in Forest Hills, was dedicated in memory of Israel ben Margarita who tragically passed away at the age of 31.
On the fourth night of Chanukah, Chazaq hosted a festive mesibah at Khal Nachlas Yitzchok for members of the Chazaq kollel and beis midrash. The mesibah featured music, dancing, speeches, a delicious meal, and two special siyumim.
Finally, on the seventh day of Chanukah, Chazaq held a community-wide Chanukah Extravaganza at the Sephardic Jewish Congregation in Forest Hills. The celebration featured a live DJ, a special performance from the Atid Bukharian Boys Choir, a balloon artist for the kids, and everyone’s favorite – jelly doughnuts.
In addition to the events, Chazaq’s public school programs were in full swing celebrating Chanukah. The Jwave Teen divisions celebrated with special Chanukah gatherings with their rebbeim. And Chazaq’s 15 Shaping Lives children divisions had special learning and arts-and-crafts activities to celebrate Chanukah in style.
Chazaq is a community organization that works to promote Jewish culture and traditions. The organization would like to thank all of the volunteers, sponsors, and attendees who helped make these events a success. For more information about Chazaq and its events, please visit or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be added to our weekly newsletter.