Our Sages teach us (see Talmud Bavli, Bava Basra 14b) that King David wrote Psalms (T’hilim) based on his own experiences along with the contributions of other great Jewish figures. While the Book of T’hilim was composed mainly by King David, the Gemara, there, enumerates ten authors who composed Psalms other than King David.

The Gemara speaks of these men as “Asarah Z’keinim,” ten great scholars endowed with profound wisdom and prophetic insight, which enabled them to compose such a sacred text. Psalm 139 was attributed to Adam HaRishon. Another psalm was composed by King Malki-Tzedek. Psalm 89 is attributed to Avraham Avinu. There are 11 hymns composed by Moshe Rabbeinu. There are several chants composed by the L’viim who officiated as singers in the Beis HaMikdash.

For centuries, Jews have turned to T’hilim to give voice to their deepest feelings, both in times of great trouble and of great happiness. T’hilim can unlock our hearts and draw us up towards their exalted greatness.

The Tzemach Tzedek, the third Lubavitcher Rebbe, says: “If you only knew the power that lies in the verses of T’hilim and their effect in the celestial heights, you would recite them all the time. Know that the chapters of T’hilim break through all barriers and soar aloft from level to level, unimpeded. They intercede before the Master of the Universe and secure their effect with kindness and mercy.

List of People Who Need a r’fuah sh’leimah (a complete recovery)

Please recite Psalms 20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.

David ben Liza Leah

Shmaryahu ben Raizel Shoshanah Miriam

Yisrael ben Raizel Shoshanah Miriam

Zhenya ben Zoya

Arvin Nesanel ben Sonia

Yotam ben Efrat Michal

Michael ben Naomi Sarah

Moshe Meir ben Chanah Etel

Shlomo Zalman ben Golda

David Yair ben Aliza

Yisrael Moshe ben Sarah

Yitzchak Shlomo ben Gittel

HaRav Yeshayah Yaakov ben Reizel

David ben Zoay

Malkiel ben Miriam


Zoya bas Rachel Raya

Zhanna bas Zoya

Chayah Adelya Hagilo bas Rachel

Esther Hadassah bas Devorah

Mitali Naomi bas Gilah Farcha

Eden Libi bas Chanah

Orli Danielle bas Chanah

Nancy Elisheva Sarah bas Roza

Heleni Ornah bas Chen Chanah

Eliana Liel bas Yocheved Leah

Rachel bas Blima

Avigayil bas Sarah

Ariella bas Sarah Zelda

Chayah Sarah Leah bas Brachah

Bas Sheva bas Bluma Rivkah

Mazal bas Miriam Chayah

Chanah Feigel bas Bluma


Israeli Soldiers (Please recite Psalms 25, 26, 46, 83, 142.)

Yehoshua ben Aliza Esther

Menachem ben Aliza Esther

Gavriel Efraim ben Chanah Yafah

Nesanel Akiva ben Chanah Yafah

Yonasan Ezra ben Chanah Yafah

Chaim Aba Menachem ben Naomi Baila

Daniel Moshe ben Devorah

Gavriel Yehudah ben Yaakov

Shmuel ben Aharon

Moshe ben Shoshanah Esther

Yehoshua ben Tzvi

Dvir Moshe ben Dinah

Oriel ben Dinah

Moshe Eliyahu ben Dinah Yehudis

Yosef ben Shlomis

Yosef ben Sarit

Yosef Daniel ben Anat

Yosef Chaim ben Hadas

 To add names of individuals who need a r’fuah sh’leimah to next week’s T’hilim column, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and complete the Google form.