Shavuos is the culmination of the seven-week-long “counting of the Omer” that occurs following Pesach. The very name “Shavuos” means “weeks,” in recognition of the weeks of anticipation leading up to the Har Sinai experience. Shavuos commemorates Hashem giving the Torah to B’nei Yisrael. During the holiday prayer services, we read the story of the Revelation at Mount Sinai and the giving of the Ten Commandments. On the second day of Shavuos, we read Megillas Rus (the Book of Ruth).

It is appropriate to read the Book of Ruth on Shavuos for two reasons: First, because Shavuos is known as Chag HaKatzir – the harvest festival. Megillas Rus gives us a picture of how the poor were treated in the harvest season with sympathy and love. Secondly, because Shavuos is the birthday and day of passing of King David, the great-grandson of Ruth and Boaz. In the Book of Ruth, we are shown the origin of the House of David – King David was the great-grandson of Ruth and Boaz. When we read Megillas Rus, we recognize that Ruth is Eim HaMalchus – the Mother of the Kingdom. She is also the quintessence of a true convert; on Shavuos we recognize that just as we accepted the Torah, converts to Judaism accepted it, as well, at Har Sinai.

Since there is a special connection between Shavuos and David HaMelech, many have the custom to read the entire book of T’hilim during this time (Ben Ish Chai, BaMidbar). Other Shavuos customs include staying up all night to study the Torah on the first night. One of the reasons given for this custom is that it is to “make up” for going to sleep the night we received the Torah. Another beautiful custom is decorating the synagogue on Shavuos with flowers and greens, because of the vegetation on Mount Sinai. There is a tasty custom of eating dairy foods on the first day of Shavuos. One explanation for the custom is that since the Torah was given on Shabbos, and sh’chitah could not be done on Shabbos, the Jews had to eat dairy.

List of People Who Need
a R’fuah Sh’leimah

(a complete recovery)

Please recite Psalms 20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.

Boris Baruch ben Frecha Frida

Alter Shmuel ben Chavah Leah

Chaim Avraham ben Shifrah Zisel

Chaim ben Malkah

Yehudah Yudel ben Miriam Gittel

David ben Rachel

Yisrael Zundel ben Miriam

Steven David ben Violette

Baruch Avraham ben Helen

Shimon ben Sarah

Yaakov Dov ben Priva

David Yosef Elimelech ben Elisheva Hinda

Yisachar David ben Chayah Brachah

Matisyahu Yeshayahu ben Chanah Chinka

Ariel Shmuel ben Leah

Yonah Gedaliah ben Pesha

Nasan ben Naamah

Alan ben Leah Angela

Yehoshua ben Miriam

Tzvi ben Miriam Rachel

Dov ben Leah

Avraham Zev ben Sarah

Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel ben Lishel

Yosef Azriel ben Chayah Michal

Yosef Yitzchak Isaac ben Chayah Gitel

Yisachar Dov Berish ben Feiga Golda

Aharon ben Faiga

Yosef Ezriel ben Chayah Michal

Menachem Mendel ben Gitta Perel


Tovah Yocheved bas Esther Bukas

Chayah Shoshanah Tovah bas Esther

Ruchamah Perel Malkah Leah bas Chanah Serel

Gittel bas Sarah

Esther Hadassah bas Devorah

Perel bas Nechamah

Mechelina Simchah bas Rinah

Rachel Leah bas Sarah

Tehillah Hadassah bas Elanah

Rachel Leah bas Sarah

Hadas bas Ora

Yael bas Ruth

Esther bas Nacha

Orana bas Suzan

Chavah Leah bas Esther

Mazal bas Malkah

Shirah bas Devorah Leah

Miriam bas Rachel

Julie Neshla bas Jamileh

Chavah Leah bas Esther

Dinah bas Yocheved

Elisheva bas Miriam

To add names of individuals who need a r’fuah sh’leimah to next week’s T’hilim column, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and complete the Google form.