In the last segment, we discussed how in the four words of v’yipakeid v’yizacheir zichroneinu u’fikdoneinu we are, in effect, asking Hashem to help us achieve our purpose in life to our fullest potential. We ask that Hashem judge us and make any necessary adjustments to our tafkid (role) that are needed.
…v’zichron avoseinu, v’zichron Mashiach ben David avdecha, v’zichron Yerushalayim ir kodshecha, v’zichron kol amcha beis Yisrael l’fanecha
“…and the remembrance of the covenants You made with our Fathers, and the remembrance of (the promise to bring) Mashiach, a descendant of David Your servant, and the remembrance of Yerushalayim, the city of Your Holiness (which is now in ruins), and the remembrance of all of Your nation, the House of Yisrael (which is now in exile) – (may all of these remembrances) come before You…”
As we move forward in Yaaleh V’Yavo, we now begin to address the global objective of bringing the world to its ultimate completion. Our Avos began the building and nurturing of klal Yisrael. We ask Hashem to “remember” them. We can explain this to mean: to recall their total “bitul” (nullification of self) to do the will of Hashem and bring Him nachas ruach. They lived their lives with complete dedication and devotion to Hashem and His will.
As we previously noted from HaRav Shimon Schwab, to “remember” means to take action based on what we are mentioning. Obviously, Hashem does not forget anything. What we ask now, in the words above, is for Hashem to take action and allow us to continue and complete the work started by the Avos, to advance the world toward its ultimate completion, with the coming of Mashiach and the rebuilding of Yerushalayim ir ha’kodesh. At that time, the chilul Hashem of the suffering of klal Yisrael will cease, and Hashem’s assurance of our redemption and salvation will come to fruition.
Although we feel unworthy, we ask that we merit to be the next and hopefully last link in the chain towards bringing klal Yisrael and the world to ultimate completion.
HaRav Chaim Friedlander zt”l explains that our primary kavanah should be one of feeling pain over the lack of Mashiach’s arrival and rebuilding of Yerushalayim, as well as the suffering of Hashem’s nation, and the chilul Hashem that is caused. Only after we feel that pain can we sincerely request that we merit to be the last link. We must also feel the responsibility of doing all in our power and ability to “bring it home,” to be that final link in the chain.
If we don’t feel any lack or pain, and if we don’t have a sense of responsibility, our request will be mere lip service. Therefore, the main objective of the tefilah of Yaaleh V’Yavo is to stir our hearts to feel the lack, pain, and responsibility, after which we can make a sincere and heartfelt plea to Hashem.
May we indeed merit to be the last chain in the link and witness the ultimate completion speedily.
[This segment is based again on the sefer Rinas Chaim on Shemoneh Esrei by Rabbi Chaim Friedlander zt”l.]
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