There was a moment, when the Republicans won the elections, that I believed the world was waking up and returning to some semblance of sanity.Then a banana duck taped to a canvas sold at auction for 6.2 million dollars. The buyer has to continually replace the banana but he owns a certificate saying the original conceptual art painting is his. Copies of this painting, priced from $19.29 to $278 are selling like wildfire. You can buy a banana for twenty cents and create your own masterpiece.
Perhaps crazier, is that the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague issued arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant for “war crimes of starvation as a method of warfare and crimes against humanity including murder, persecution, and other inhumane acts.” Hamas issued a statement in support of the ICC and the arrest warrants calling on countries across the world to adhere and cooperate with the courts. France, Canada, and Mayor Dopey Jihadi of Dearborn, Michigan have already announced that they would comply with the ICC.
The ICC has never issued warrants against anyone in Iran, the “head of the terrorist snake.” They only issued a warrant against one Hamas terrorist Muhammed Dief ( who was eliminated by Israel)), insanely equating Netanyahu and Gallant, elected officials who are defending their country from annihilation, to terrorists.
Israel, who provides water, electricity, gas, oil, and banking ability to Gaza, in the midst of fighting a war that Hamas began, has been made to take responsibility for feeding the Palistinians despite the fact that 80% of them side with Hamas and Hamas blocks and steals the majority of the provisions that Israel, the US, and the world are so preoccupied with supplying to them.
There are 52 Arab states and the world is too blind to recognize that it is only due to anti-semitism that they insist on splitting the one tiny Jewish state of Israel into two. They are even more blind or crazy to believe that the Palestinians, who have continually rejected all agreements for a two state solution, are really willing to live in peace under any circumstances other than full occupation of Israel.
I thank G-d that the United States is standing up for Israel against the ICC and that hopefully Trump and his new cabinet will change the world, stand firmly by Israel, stop funding the UN, and sanction the ICC.
The entire world should be condemning Iran and its terrorist proxies who committed the most horrendous atrocities against humankind, but it is a world willing to look at a banana painting and call it ingenious art, so what can we expect?
By Ruki Renov