Colors: Yellow Color

In the last few days, I have been asked the same question, 1,000 times: “What’s going to be with our beloved Israel?” and my answer has always been the same: “The future is bright! Things are going to be great, and I am not worried at all.” One second – not worried about the protests? Not worried about the hatred in the eyes of the Left? Not worried about the lack of unity among the people? No, no, and again, no! I am not worried, and let me explain why.

Like everyone else on the planet, I receive dozens of email advertisements. Most of them don’t even catch my eye – except for this one. It contained an interesting subject line – “We Did It” – and it caught my attention. I opened the email, looked at the graphics – and almost called Hatzalah for the stroke and heart attack I was expecting to have at any moment.

Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Executive Vice President of the Orthodox Union (OU), issued a statement after some Jewish men went into the Arab town of Hawara and destroyed property. This was in response to the brutal murder of two brothers, from Har Bracha, who were shot – execution style – while driving through this town.

I must have received 100 emails, phone calls, WhatsApps, and even handwritten notes (yes, I have some very old friends) from people asking me to summarize what is happening in Israel. Left-wing protests, right-wing protests, Defense Minister fired, highways blocked, airport closed, hospitals on strike… well, at least the falafel guy is still open. Okay, here goes…

I have spoken to thousands of people about making aliyah and have received some very interesting reasons why – even though they would love to make aliyah – they have decided not to. I must state that my focus and direction on speaking to my brothers and sisters about this life-changing move is different from almost everyone else. I do not push aliyah because of rising anti-Semitism, intermarriage, or the high cost of yeshivah education. I do not talk about the crumbling of America nor the change of the political map. I focus on the positive, always the positive, because that is why I made aliyah back in 1990, and that is what gives one the strength, attitude, and relentless dedication to make it work, despite the difficulties and challenges.