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The Perilous Hijacking of “Social Justice”

Dear Editor:

 Queens DA candidate Tiffany Cabán’s faux social justice agenda is but our local outbreak of a nationwide epidemic of virulent, reality-defying and rationality-destroying political extremism.

Don’t Blame The Voters

Dear Editor:

In Sergey Kadinsky’s 6/27/19 article entitled “Cabán Declares Victory In Queens DA Primary,” he laments the “poor [voter] turnout; after all the hard election work by rabbis, community leaders, activists, local elected officials and this columnist.” Mr. Kadinsky continues to question: “Why was it so difficult for some people to come out and vote?”

A Clarification

Dear Editor:

In my article last week titled “The 16-Percenters,” I referred to a “local Orthodox rabbi” as declaring publicly in his shul that he will not be attending the protest rally against anti-Semitism in Congress last winter. I wrote that the rabbi’s reason for not attending was that the rally may be “offensive to other ethnic groups that were not mentioned in the publicity.”

Let’s Call a Spade a Spade

Dear Editor:

Ive read with great interest the various op-eds in response to Meira Atik’s initial article concerning the practice of some Jewish newspapers to actively refrain from publishing pictures of women. I’m grateful that the Queens Jewish Link doesn’t subscribe to this misguided practice, and I applaud Ms. Atik and her supporters for speaking out on this important issue.