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Dear Editor:

I’ve seen a lot of criticism of the Democrats and President Biden regarding Israel. Some are warranted, some I feel are not, and of course some are just an attempt to score political points. But as all that goes on, you have former President Trump saying that Israel has to “get it over with” so they can “get back to normalcy and peace.” The only hostages he ever talks about are what he calls “the January 6 hostages.”

Judging Schumer Favorably

Dear Editor:

Chuck Schumer has gotten a lot of criticism for his comments on Israel. In last week’s newspaper, Rabbi Schonfeld correctly stated that Schumer was doing the bidding of the Biden administration in an election year. Others are outraged over Schumer using his position as the highest-ranking Jewish person in government to pressure Israel into doing something that is clearly not in their best interest.

Asking The Impossible

Dear Editor:

Has President Biden told President Zelenskyy to hurry up and win the war in the Ukraine that the US has been funding for over two years? Has he told him that if they don’t win soon, the arms supply from the US will stop or that if any civilians are harmed, he will be called to task? The US fought the war in Afghanistan for 20 years and, before that, the Vietnam War for eight years. Many American servicemen lost their lives, many civilians died, and we accomplished nothing. The US goal was to win; and, therefore, they didn’t stop until eventually they realized the impossibility of the task.

Council Member James F. Gennaro responds to Schumer’s Israel Remarks

Dear Editor:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer read straight from the Hamas playbook today (3/14) from the floor of the Senate, proclaiming that he sees Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as an “obstacle to peace” in the country’s war with Hamas, and said it was time for the country to hold new elections. How dare he? Further, he stated, “Prime Minister Netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take precedence over the best interests of Israel.” He also said, “Were Netanyahu to remain in power, it would jeopardize global support for Israel at a critical juncture,” and “Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah,” and he said Israel needs to make “some serious course corrections,” blah, blah, blah. You get the idea…

Dear Editor:

It is with deep sadness, but necessity, that we mention about the unfortunate and inappropriate actions of how a vast amount of talmidim at a local Queens yeshivah conducted themselves on Purim night, as well as on Purim night of last year. In both years, the talmidim in question were engaging in very loud and inappropriate behavior during the very late hours of the evening outside the campus (we live on the adjacent block, but the disruptions could be heard by our friends blocks and blocks away). By looking out our window, we could tell the talmidim were heavily intoxicated, and many of them were engaging in public intoxication as they walked around chugging from wine and liquor bottles. It is also important to mention that many of the talmidim were allegedly but almost certainly below the legal drinking age of 21 in New York. Furthermore, many of the talmidim were wandering drunkenly outside of the campus, as well as into the street, where there was a constant flow of traffic from both sides.

Rabbi Sladowsky Remembered

Dear Editor:

After the tribute in last week’s paper to Rabbi Yitzchak Sladowsky z”l, his esteemed wife Fay reached out to thank us for giving her husband the posthumous recognition he so rightfully deserves. In conversation, it came out that I may have not been clear in stating that at the height of their spiritual leadership at Forest Park Jewish Center, there were over 350 families that regularly participated in the array of programming organized by their shul.