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Everywhere we look these days, it seems like America is descending further down the rabbit hole of hatred, partisanship, division, and accusation. What’s been happening over the course of the past decade has not seen any marginal reversal, despite the promises from many to make it so. Actors from both the Left and Right side of the political aisle raise the question of “Is it acceptable to be Jewish?”

In the half century since the founding of Touro College, Dr. Robert Goldschmidt has been at the forefront of its growth from a floor in a Midtown office building to a network of sites across the city, country, and world. Still used to describing the institution as a college, my first question was: When did Touro become a university? The answer depends on the state.

The political attacks by Democrats on Republicans for not buying into the massive social change that they’ve been pushing found a new hammer to hit with when a madman shot up an LGBT bar in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Forget taking seconds to figure out anything about this attacker, the same people who have the same agenda made the same attacks on their political opponents, to the accolades of their sycophantic fanbase.  The most egregious example comes from New York’s very own Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.