Colors: Cyan Color

The Midrash (B’reishis Rabbah, Chapter 5) has a very interesting account of Creation, stating as follows:

“At the time G-d decided to create Adam (Man), Chesed (Kindness) advised to create Man, as he often practices chesed. Emes (Truth) advised against creating Man, as he was full of deceit. Tzedek (Righteousness) advised in favor of creating Man, as he often practices tzedek. Shalom (Peace) opposed creating Man, because he is often engaged in machlokes (strife). What did Hashem finally do? He took Emes and threw it to the ground (and thus created Man).”

Islamophobia is one of the worst forms of bigotry against a people. It drives much of the terror and spreads much of the anti-Jewish hatred around the world. College campuses are very guilty of Islamophobia as we witness the wide support of Hamas and demonization of Israel. The growing far-Left of the Democratic Party is also guilty of this phobia to a great extent. You might think I’m kidding, but I’m not.

There’s the law of gravity, the law that water seeks its own level, the commonly accepted law that darkness is the absence of light, or that for every action there is a reaction. Ask any physicist or man in the street, and he or she will offer you a whole list of laws of nature that keep the world going, including the survival of the fittest.

I am not necessarily a big fan of Chabad. Many things they do and believe are most definitely not in my line of thinking. Nor are they in most mainstream Orthodox circles. But let’s face it: No one comes close to the international care for Jews as they do. No one spreads the joy and pride of being Jewish like they do.

I literally just returned from a week in Israel to spend time with my sisters whom I haven’t seen since the start of the October 7 Swords of Iron War. My 1:00 a.m. flight was delayed for six hours and then we had to drive from Newark Airport to Baltimore. Thus, I was left with no time and little energy to write this week’s article, which should have been focused on my trip.