Colors: Cyan Color

We now return to the fertile topic of “expressions that annoy me,” which is growing ever bigger the older I get.

And I’m not just talking about expressions that people say specifically to annoy you, such as, “You’re old!”  My bother frequently says this, just because I’m older than he is.  And I have to constantly be reminded, because I’m old.  He says it all the time, whenever he can work it into a conversation, because younger people like repetition.  And this isn’t going away, because I’m always going to be older than him, as far as I can tell.  But if I would’ve known he’d be like this, then I would have said, when he was younger, “You’re young!” 

There is a certain respected figure in New York City who radically differs with me in political and sometimes religious outlooks. However, I heard that he fell ill recently, so I texted him to see how he was doing. His response was that, thank G-d, he is doing well. Then he continued, “You move out to Baltimore and suddenly the bridges start collapsing. Coincidence? I think not.” To which I responded, “Of course it’s not a coincidence. Baltimore is counting on me to be the bridge builder!” At least I got a winky smiley out of him.

This morning, I met someone in Baltimore who told me that his children live in Teaneck, New Jersey, and daven at Congregation Rinat Yisrael, with Rabbi Yosef Adler its founding rabbi. He told me that on Sunday morning, following the miraculous survival of the Jewish people in Israel from evil Iran’s attempt to cause thousands of civilian deaths upon the Israelis, that shul recited Hallel in gratitude to Hashem. He asked me if I thought that was the right thing to do. I told him absolutely! In fact, one of my sisters in Yerushalayim told me she could not believe she woke up alive in her own bed the next morning. But we almost yawned through it.

The lead story in The Wall Street Journal today is “Six Months After Hamas Attack, Israel’s World Is Upside Down.” I always tell people that the news department of the WSJ, as opposed to the editorial department, is left of center and not the greatest friend of Israel. Thus, anything negative they write about Israel must be taken with a grain of salt.