The X-Files

Dear Editor:

So, Fox Mulder has been proven correct. Those of you readers who are unfamiliar with his name obviously never watched “The X-Files” in the 1990s and early 2000s. I, however, have every line of all 11 seasons memorized (a totally useless thing)

and was an avid fan of Mulder and Scully (named after Dodger announcer Vince Scully) who investigated paranormal events. The FBI and New Jersey officials should be calling them up and asking for their services to explain the nightly drone sightings in New Jersey. Could these drones be searching for neighborhoods where homes are selling for less than $1 million or neighborhoods adjacent to kosher eateries and supermarkets like Bingo?

There are also unexplained occurrences in KGH. What’s with the whitened closed off zones on the streets? Who voted for those? Not I. They’re not helpful to pedestrians, drivers, or businesses. So, Jim Gennaro, Grace Meng, and other politicians, please explain their sudden presence in our midst. I don’t need a birthday card, Ms. Meng; I need an explanation. This is a democracy, and that calls for a popular vote. Unless I am mistaken, I didn’t vote for that or for parking meters. I believe the increase in property taxes should have been a windfall.

Am I complaining too much? You bet I am. After all, I’m Jewish. 

Debbie Horowitz


Dear Editor:

I was on a singles’ Shabbaton for people with disabilities this past Shabbos. The event was held at the Doubletree by Hilton in North Pikesville, Maryland, which is a suburb of Baltimore, near – if not in – the Jewish community itself. The hotel in which the Shabbaton took place is the only Shabbos- and Yom Tov-compatible hotel in the greater Baltimore area.

It would be wonderful to have hotels in many cities that are Shabbos- and Yom Tov-compatible, so that Orthodox Jews can have a pleasant Shabbos experience when traveling.

 Elliott Wittert


Dear Editor:

The most recent threat of a federal government shutdown reminds me of “Stuck in the Middle with You” by the band Stealers Wheel. The lines “Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you” perfectly sums up the chaos and gridlock in Washington.

The government shutdown and furlough of non-essential federal government employees is not the end of the world as we know it. This year, Christmas and Chanukah fall on Wednesday, December 25, and New Year’s Day on Wednesday, January 1. As a result, federal offices will only be open four days both weeks. There is always the traditional holiday party when little work takes place. Most offices are open with a handful of staff as most employees take off either Christmas, New Year’s week, or both.

The President issues an executive order allowing dismissal of federal employees several hours earlier then their scheduled departure time both Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Supervisors with a wink and a nod will let employees skip lunch and leave one hour earlier, before the official dismissal time. Some presidents declare the day preceding Christmas or New Year’s Day a paid holiday and close down offices. Most employees previously planned to take off the week of December 25 and or January 1. Many have “use or lose” annual vacation leave that exceeds the maximum 240 hours that can be carried over from one year to the next. Supervisors ask for volunteers to come in so offices are open with limited staff. Phones and computers are silent. Most customers served by agencies are also on vacation during the same time period.

Even when furloughs take place, Congress has ended up retroactively paying federal employees for the days they could not report to work. Don’t believe the hype of elected officials who demagogue on this issue. The White House, Senate, and Congressional offices will all also be managed by skeleton staff during this time period. Life will go on. Social Security, Medicare, and other federal government benefit programs will continue to be paid out.

Larry Penner 


Thrown Out On Her Fani

Dear Editor:

The phony election interference/RICO case brought by Fulton County DA Fani Willis against Donald Trump is over. On Thursday, the Georgia Court of Appeals threw Willis off the case for having a relationship with the chief prosecutor in the case, Nathan Wade, and hiring him to prosecute the enormously complex case despite his lack of any prosecutorial experience. Willis paid Wade $700,000 of Fulton County money in legal fees, took illegal kickbacks from her dumb, unqualified boyfriend Wade, by gallivanting across the globe on extravagant vacations and then lied about it in court.

The case was pretty much DOA when Trump won the election, but this latest development is interesting for two reasons:

1) The fake news, mainstream media reaction that relished playing up the charges against Trump, pretended the charges of improprieties against Willis brought up by Trump’s attorneys last February were merely a salacious Hail Mary that would ultimately yield a giant nothingburger. I’ll bet that “nothingburger” tastes a lot better today than the crow the fake news media has been forced to eat over this.

Had the fake news media taken a breath and honestly and objectively processed Willis’ actions and reactions to getting caught, they would not have been so “surprised” by the outcome. When Trump’s lawyers filed a motion to have Willis dismissed from the case based on the obvious conflict of interest, namely that she was profiting from her own case, Willis fought tooth and nail to stay on. This is a highly abnormal reaction. Normally, when you tell a government employee they are conflicted out, their reaction is “Okay, no problem, see you later, less work for me.” Prosecutors who have a serious case against a defendant, and is conflicted out, normally recuse themselves and hand off to other prosecutors who in all likelihood reach the same conclusion on the facts of the case.

Willis, who is a shamelessly underhanded, lying, scheming, arrogant, unintelligent political hack, at the behest of Biden’s corrupt DOJ, brought a case against Trump that was super flimsy. With Willis now thrown off the case, it is extremely unlikely that any other prosecutor picks it up, not only because Trump is President, but because this entire, nefarious, and politically driven criminal case against Trump was the real giant nothingburger.

2) What happens with Willis now? Her disbarment should be automatic, but her blatant abuse of power should also land her in jail. Willis was entrusted with upholding the law. She violated that trust by bringing a case that was not based on merits but rather on political vindictiveness. As if that wasn’t bad enough, she used the case as a profit-making scheme for herself and her dumb boyfriend.

If there’s any justice left in Fulton County, she will find her own Fani behind bars very soon.

 Jason Stark


Time To Kash In

Dear Editor:

In the upcoming Senate confirmation hearings, Democrats will undoubtedly oppose Donald Trump’s nomination of Kash Patel to run the FBI. Without getting too political, it’s worth taking stock of where we are as a nation when it comes to fighting crime and implementing justice through our criminal justice system.

Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 emails instead of handing them over to the FBI, Joe Biden sold access to the US government to Chinese communists, Nancy Pelosi made hundreds of millions of dollars from insider trading, Stephen D’Antonio of the FBI helped stage the Gretchen Whitmer “fednapping” attempt and January 6 “fedsurrection,” Alejandro Mayorkas allowed at least 12 million illegals into our country, Dr. Fauci lied about funding gain of function research that created the Covid-19 virus that killed millions of people, Pfizer and Moderna lied about the safety of the Covid shot, Andrew Cuomo killed 15,000 elderly New Yorkers by forcing Covid-positive patients into nursing homes, Planned Parenthood sold aborted baby body parts, and all of Jeffrey Epstein’s client list including Bill Clinton still walk free having never been charged with a crime.

Yet, somehow, through use of a novel legal theory that will likely never be used again, our next President, Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felonies for an expired misdemeanor bookkeeping error. Who better to decide who gets to clean up this mess than the man who has taken all the unwarranted slings and arrows of our wholly corrupted criminal justice system?

 Doniel Behar


Dear Editor:

So now, The Wall Street Journal has finally admitted what normal people already knew: The Biden presidency was the biggest con job the Democrats have perpetrated on the American people in history! We all knew Biden had dementia. Now, it’s come out that the entire cabinet and Democratic Party knew it all along, as well. Anyone with a brain could see that the appointed Marxists within the administration were running the show. Even Joe Biden couldn’t have pulled off the worst four years in modern American history all by himself. I don’t want to hear that Biden was the most consequential President and he’s historic and he’s the greatest and his accomplishments, etc. Stuff it like a Thanksgiving turkey. It was all a lie, and the most egregious part is that the 25th Amendment was never triggered, because those in power wanted to stay in power.

This now explains why the administration is going scorched-earth and sabotaging Trump’s Presidency before it even begins. Massive spending – money to Ukraine and to the Amazon rainforest. Protecting federal bureaucrats to make it harder for them to be fired. That they should stay home and not work in an office until 2029 is unconscionable! Our tax dollars are going towards rent of some of these federal buildings that remain empty 85 percent of the time. Selling border wall for pennies on the dollar so it becomes more expensive, thanks to the Biden administration’s inflation, to purchase the necessary materials to put the border wall up.

The treasonous behavior of this administration and the lying knows no bounds. First, they allowed a Chinese spy balloon to fly over all our nuclear facilities, and now we have drones flying all along the East coast. All they tell us is we have nothing to worry about. They’ve unfrozen $10 billion for Iran to use to fund terrorism against Israel and possibly us! Biden pardons and grants clemency to more people than the last five presidents combined! Some of these people are hardened criminals – murderers and corrupt judges. But January 6ers locked in solitary confinement for trespassing should rot in prison.

This is why they lost in resounding defeat in November. The Democrat Marxist policies have turned even the liberal against them – Michael Rappaport and Alan Dershowitz just to name a couple. History will not remember January 2021 through January 2025 too kindly.

 Shalom Markowitz