empty Hooked On Healing

Don’t Mix Bad Word With Your Bad Mood

Do you ever get so upset that you speak in a high-pitched voice and kind of feel like you’ve...

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Adventure is calling, but you can’t come to the phone right now. Clearly our predictable textbook style of living has gone the way of the dodo bird. Let’s be honest. Some of us eat pizza like it’s going extinct. Wanna hear a joke about pizza? Never mind; it’s too cheesy. But sincerely, most of us had a predetermined path for our lives that we invested most of our energy in. We believed in a somewhat probable outcome. So much for guarantees, eh? Heck, I used to have an irrational fear of obstacles, but I got over it. I also had a fear of speed bumps, but I’m slowly getting over it, too. They say the biggest human fear is the Unknown. Like….

If you are not having dark, depressing thoughts as of late, consider yourself one of the lucky ones. Nearly everyone you speak to feels either frightened, angry, out of control, or like they are losing what’s left of their mind. Don’t you wish losing weight was as easy as losing your mind?

Cut out all that junk food. Stop procrastinating and clean up the clutter. Oh, right, you’re not a procrastinator. You just prefer doing things in a deadline-induced panic. Get some exercise, for mercy’s sake. You just saw three people jogging, so it inspired you to get up – and close the blinds. Eat your spinach. Get more fiber. Floss those pearly whites. It’s good for you. Well, ice cream is good for me, too. It happens to have a low glycemic index – and contains milk, which we all know has tons of essential nutrients and vitamins. So there. Want the inside scoop? It’s never too cold for ice cream.

Stuck in the past? Just jump into a cold shower and wash off all the muck and mud from this past year. Easier said than done, you say. True. But I’ll bet you would stand a chance on American Idol if you could bring your shower on stage. It’s not exactly a cinch to dust yourself off and try again while the mainstream media insists on reminding you of “Covey” every ten seconds.

Have you been embracing your inner lunatic lately? Did y’all notice how some of us are inordinately better than others at dealing with the hurt, harm, headaches, and heaviness in the world right now. I had my patience tested. I’m negative. Are you walking around with outward smiles, but indoor screams? By the way, when was the last time you saw someone smile? Oh, that’s right. You can’t. Face masks. Well, at least ventriloquism got easier. Many have given up smiling entirely. We’re all on the road to De-mask-us. Of course, you’re not planning to turn your clock back on November 1. Seriously, none of us need an extra hour of 2020.

Looking for certainty? Well, you know what they say: There are only three things in life that are certain: death, Adobe updates, oh, and taxes. Speaking of which, the nicest feeling is when you receive a tax refund, until you realize it was your own money in the first place. But seriously, you may feel that every time you “get with the program,” someone changes the channel.