Another hangover, hopeless morning. We’re still “social distancing,” or should I say: “exiled for the ‘good’ of the realm.” Oh, and don’t they realize that “curfew” is for people who actually leave the house. Enough is enough. How long can you feel stuck in a rut, grumpy from the same drama day in, day out? I feel you. Things are so incredibly off course right now that it is almost a recipe for disaster. We are so lost in the problem, it is nearly impossible to envision the solution. Exasperated, irritated, and sick and tired of it all? That’s your inner GPS sending you a message that it’s time to recalibrate and change course.
You’re starting to get a tan from the light in the fridge. You put on your best “adult” face and head out or in for your new non-existent daily hustle. And those bills ain’t paying themselves anytime soon. Remember the good ole days at the office when you spent the entire meeting wondering how they got the big meeting table through the door? So, how can we be future-minded and hopeful?
Let’s be honest. Right now, some of us may have an MBA, a BA, or a PhD, but no JOB. Feel like you keep losing things these days: your tablet, pens, sanity, and your dreams? Don’t pretend everything’s okay when it’s not, please.
Well, one thing’s for sure: You can’t sit your way to success. You’re not a hen. So it may be time to trade in some of your vices for some positive rituals and habits, my friends. How? Think of someone you admire, and before you act, ask yourself: Would he or she do what I am about to do right now? If you don’t have a hero, please find one. And no, rescuing some beer that was trapped in a bottle does not make you a hero. When things don’t quite go your way, remember this: You are the solution. Your thoughts and your attitudes are who you will become.
Start small. Doing something is always better than doing nothing. Indeed, we are all but a speck of dust compared to our vast Universe. But trust me on this: Every little thing you do while you are on this planet matters deeply in the grand scheme of things.
You sneezed in front of your laptop, and the anti-virus started a scan on its own? Oh, and did you realize that there’s no cure for a virus that can apparently be killed by hand sanitizer and soap. You do the math.
If you’re anything like me, you spend inordinate amounts of time griping and grumbling about the weather. But complaining and criticizing drains our precious energy and ultimately affects our behavior. Change your mindset to a more uplifting, heartening one. You can tackle this challenge. Focus on the process, not the outcome. But do not deceive yourself either. Self-deception is not the answer. The biggest lie I tell myself is: “I don’t need to write it down. I’ll remember it.” Riiight.
You’re getting more exercise from just shaking your head in disbelief every time a new restriction is placed on us. You have an idea? Don’t just talk about it or dream about it; schedule it. I know: The dumbest thing you ever purchased was a 2020 Planner. But no, your New Year’s resolution was not to throw in the towel. Keep keepin’ on, despite everything around you.
If the universe and happenings at this time seem a bit mysterious, to say the least, think about your existence and the very meaning of your life. If you feel like that ole hamster stuck on a static, spinning wheel, please rely on your belief systems. Breathe deeply and try to look at your problem from afar. Make a stop on the road of self-reflection. You may not always get what you want in this life, but you can always be who you want to be.
You cannot carry the weight of the global situation in the world right now without losing what’s left of your mind. Please do not dwell on the problem. Keep yourself busy doing and learning new things. During the day, if you start feeling crushed by the weight of it all, ask yourself: What can I do to help myself in this situation? Go back to basics: good food and good friends, a hot shower, or a long walk.
One thing we know for sure, sweet friends: Life will keep serving up those lessons. In the meantime, between time, tap yourself on the ole shoulder and remind yourself to experience your day-to-day life more joyfully, love more deeply. Remember what Glinda the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz said to Dorothy? “You had the power all along.” Click your heels three times, my friends, because: so do you. Feel free to reach out. I am right here.
Caroline is a licensed psychotherapist, crisis counselor, and writer with an office in Queens. She works with individuals, couples, and families. Appointments are available throughout the week and weekends. She can be reached at 917-717-1775 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at