On Wednesday evening, September 18, the student body of Shevach High School launched a Technology Awareness Initiative, spearheaded by its principal, Rebbetzin Rochelle Hirtz. After the school day was over, the girls were transported to the Young Israel of Hillcrest, where they were treated to a catered dinner. Following the meal, Rebbetzin Hirtz introduced the program with a d’var Torah from the Chovas HaTalmidim by the Piacezna Rav. The Rav likened the process of chinuch to an unripe fruit, as when one takes a bite out of the fruit and the taste is not sweet and not fully developed. One’s natural response to that bite is; “This is what I worked so hard for?” To which the Piacezna Rav explains that the planting process requires a lot of patience. In a similar fashion, Rebbetzin Hirtz said, “This evening, we are planting the seeds – the beginning of a process. We must be patient and not become disheartened. When we carry it through, the result will be a beautiful fruit, both inside and out. Technology awareness is a process, and when we implement certain changes, we will produce stronger, healthier relationships, which will be beneficial to our growth.”