Colors: Blue Color

Exciting Pesach overtones permeated the school as our students participated in an Afikoman Scavenger Hunt. Each morning during breakfast, students clutched their phones waiting for the Afikoman Hunt clue to pop up in their inbox. Students taxed their brains then scoured the campus searching for the elusive Afikoman. Winners took home a $25 Amazon gift card.

The HALB Middle School Robotics Team participated in the CIJE Robotics Competition for the first time, led by STEM teacher Mrs. Aliza Feder. HALB is looking forward to being a part of this incredible event every year from now on!


The boys in the Early Childhood Program at YTM were treated to a fun, hands-on matzah baking experience. Together with their morahs, the boys came into the lunchroom, which had been converted into a Matzah Factory! The tables were lined with brown paper and each boy was given a special baker hat and apron to wear. Then the "work" began. They discussed what ingredients are needed for matzah, and compared the similarities and differences between matzah and bread.

Shevach’s “Reconnect” technology committee has been working hard throughout the year on raising the awareness of the importance of safe technology usage. Spearheaded by Shevach Menaheles Mrs. Shulamith Insel, and headed by Mrs. Chaya Swerdloff, the students have made great strides in this area.

YTM parent Rabbi Moshe Herman came to address the Junior High students last week. Rabbi Herman recently returned from Moldova and Ukraine, where he worked with Hatzala to provide humanitarian aid to Jewish Ukrainian refugees. He shared amazing stories of bitachon in the face of adversity and tragedy and stories of amazing siyata dishmaya that had the boys on the edges of their seats. Rabbi Herman has close ties to the region, as he worked and led kiruv efforts in Moldova and Ukraine in his youth. Baruch Hashem, klal Yisrael is so blessed to have people willing to give so readily of their time and resources to alleviate the suffering of our brothers and sisters.


The Bnos Malka preschool spent an engaging afternoon learning how a stalk of wheat becomes flour and then into matzah. Each student took her turn hand-grinding wheat kernels into a fine dust of flour. The children turned the crank of the heavy stone mill and saw the flour fall to the base of the mill. Taking flour, they added water, formed the dough, and enjoyed rolling out their own personal matzos. They certainly enjoyed eating their custom, not-kosher-for-Pesach creations.