What if I told you there was a way to support Israel by going shopping?
American Communities Helping Israel (ACHI) is a non-profit advocacy organization that packs a counterpunch to the BDS movement by hosting an online market featuring more than 250 Israeli vendors. They offer an array of products ranging from Judaica, jewelry, ceramics, art, fashion, and home decor to toys and games. Many vendors ship globally and within Israel, so you can even send food baskets to Israeli family and friends. Check out www.achi613.org/achi-market to see for yourself - and start shopping!

ACHI’ s motto, “Support Israel – Buy Israeli,” reflects its ongoing commitment to bolstering the Israeli economy. Founded in 2004 by five high school girlfriends (now septuagenarians), ACHI began as a “bricks and mortar” market to help struggling Israeli merchants during the Second Intifada. When Covid hit and Israeli tourism plummeted once again, the fairs went digital, forming the current online market. Now that Israel is at war, ACHI’s mission is to host more merchants than ever before. Any Israeli shopkeeper can sign up on-line at no cost.
ACHI members are continually coming up with new and creative ways to advocate and raise money for Israel. They have organized concerts, spoken at synagogues, held tag sales, created craft projects, and designed greeting and gift cards to sell. The ACHI website, www.achi613.org, also offers the opportunity to donate to the organization or its Israeli Emergency Fund. You can earmark where you want the funds to go in the comments section.
In these tumultuous times, showing solidarity with Israel is more important than ever. Please join ACHI in its mission to support Israel. Shop The Market and buy Israeli products locally as well. Am Yisrael Chai!