Colors: Blue Color

It’s a moment of excitement and pride when the Central community welcomes newcomers into the building. On Sunday, October 15, Central faculty, staff, and students had a chance to do just that during the school’s annual Open House. Wildcats extended a warm welcome to prospective eighth-grade students and their families with a taste of life at YUHSG.

Coloring books, crayons, personal letters, assemblies, care packages, T’hilim, individual and class-wide kabalos are all among the varied things the girls at Bnos Malka are doing in response to the horrific events in Israel.

Yeshiva Har Torah’s eighth-grade girls participated in a communal challah bake, coordinated by their Director of Student Activities, Mr. Rafi Allman, and hosted by their dedicated teacher, Morah Tzippy Erblich, during the sacred week leading up to Yom Kippur, known as Aseres Y’mei T’shuvah. The event offered these young students the opportunity not only to acquire knowledge, but also to immerse themselves in the hands-on practice of the mitzvah of making and separating challah.

Is there anything better than MTA Mishmar Madness? This past week, the yeshivah held its first of these highly anticipated events, which extend the regular Thursday night mishmar program through inspiring shiurim, beautiful singing, great food, and amazing activities.