Colors: Blue Color

While our seventh and eighth graders attended the March for Israel in Washington, DC, our fifth and sixth graders had their own rally in HALB. Students and teachers came together, singing songs of unity and strength, and davening for safety for Israel, the Jewish people, and to bring the hostages home.

One of the hallmarks of MTA is the Names, Not Numbers® course, which is taken as a Senior elective. Approximately two-thirds of the grade typically participate in this extremely meaningful program. Over the past several days, survivors have been coming to MTA to be interviewed by the talmidim who have been learning their stories prior to the in-person visit.

In acknowledging the commendable achievements of Yeshiva Sha’arei Zion students in grades 3 through 6, the yeshivah administration extends a heartfelt chazak u’baruch! Over the past five weeks, these diligent learners have demonstrated exemplary commitment in reviewing their 303 shorashim list.

On Tuesday, November 14, the Central student body took a day away from the classroom to travel from Queens to Washington, DC, to join many tens of thousands of people in the March for Israel on the Washington Mall. The March was a unique opportunity to express fervent support and solidarity for Israel in a time of war, and to demand the release of hostages held by Hamas. It was also a chance for students to learn a real-time lesson in civic engagement and duty.


On Monday Morning, November 13, HANC High School seniors boarded a bus and traveled to Solomon Schechter High School where they joined in learning Torah and reciting T’hilim in the merit of the captives in Gaza in hopes that they are freed.