Dear Alice,

I just got back from Miami and I am so disappointed. For the first time ever, I actually stayed on my plan while on vacation. I didn’t touch the bread basket or desserts at restaurants, stayed away from the late-night munching aside from my “treat,” and chose sugar-free frozen yogurt instead of milk shakes. However, when I came to weigh in, I found that I had lost less than half a pound despite all my efforts! What went wrong?

And this that you shall have from me is a scroll of divorce, and a letter of leave, and a bill of dismissal to go to marry any man that you wish” Babylonian Talmud (85b).

Two recent decisions emanating from New York divorce courts manifest the confusion which secular tribunals experience when adjudicating matrimonial issues with religious consequence.

Recap: Bayla receives a letter from her family in Poland. One line in the letter worries her. They’re nervous about a possible attack from Germany.

 Friday night, Tante Aimee lit the candles in the large formal dining room. The long table was set with a lace cloth and sparkling china dishes. Cut red roses from the garden sat in a crystal vase on the table, scenting the air.