This past Motza’ei Shabbos, February 4, Yeshiva Kesser Torah paid homage to the wife of their founder and Rosh HaYeshivah, Rav Elyakim Getzel Rosenblatt, zt”l. The melave Malka, held in the simcha hall of the Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills, united mispalelim who take advantage of the many minyanim available throughout the day, yeshivah alumni, friends, community members, and supporters.
Since the Rosh HaYeshiva’s passing in 2019, Rebbetzin Rosenblatt and her extended family have not wasted a day, continuing his legacy. Efforts have been revamped within the shul to enhance the general atmosphere that now includes a beautiful lower level beis hamedrash. At the dinner, the yeshivah library was dedicated in remembrance of Reb Hillel Newerstein z”l, shul bal k’riah and bal tokiah, who was extremely devoted to Kesser Torah as a mainstay in Queens, giving his time gratis for over 40 years. A separate tribute was held for Reb Moshe Borowski z”l. The attendees enjoyed the live music of Kew Gardens Hills resident Mr. Michael Septimus, including Shaar Haniginah, a song composed by the late Rosh HaYeshivah.
Over the years, Rebbetzin Rosenblatt has been known as the ultimate balabusta, always cooking for a crowd and hosting many people regularly. She even gathered a group of women from the yeshivah to assist in the annual breakfast, operating on a shoestring budget, and never using a caterer. The Rebbetzin continues to bring her signature warmth and interest to everyone she meets. Everyone is welcomed like family in her midst, and she is well known to give guidance for life’s challenges.
Yeshiva Kesser Torah was founded in Briarwood. It was there that many received their initial touch by the Rosh HaYeshiva and Rebbetzin. “She always made us feel welcome and at home, introducing us to people and making us and each person feel choshuv and needed. Every Shabbos there was a homemade hot kiddush, which she prepared and was brought over every erev Shabbos from the Rosenblatt home in Kew Gardens. They made it seem simple that they would walk back and forth from Kew Gardens to Briarwood every Shabbos,” wrote Dovid and Ilana Goldschein.
Much of the happenings in Kesser Torah are due to the leadership of its mara d’asra, Rabbi Avraham Dovid Garber, Founder of Our Jewish Children, and his venerable eishes chayil and Queens Jewish Link senior contributor, Susie. They both give their all to the kehillah significantly, adding to its continued growth. “The Rebbetzin continues to inspire us with her love of Torah learning, divrei Torah, davening, and hachnosas orchim,” wrote the power couple in their journal tribute.
Rabbi Rabbi Herschel Welcher, mara d’asra of Cong. Ahavas Yisroel, delivered words of brachah, followed by remarks from Dr. Shmuel Shields and Rabbi Yaniv Meirov, mara d’asra, Cong. Charm Circle.
The multitude of men who take advantage of the plethora of minyanim at Kesser Torah are encouraged to participate in the dinner via a Zelle donation to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
By Shabsie Saphirstein
Photos By Life Capture Images