The Queens Jewish community recently had the privilege of welcoming Rabbi Shalom Khaimov, whose heartfelt passion and dedication to Torah learning are inspiring a new generation of youth. Rabbi Khaimov, an accomplished talmid chacham and Torah scholar, is known for his outstanding midos tovos. He currently studies at the thriving Sephardic kollel led by HaRav Yosef Bitton shlita and HaRav Avram Hasan shlita at Congregation Zichron Binyamin, Kollel Ohel Rachel, located on Princeton Avenue in Lakewood.
Before moving to New Jersey, Rabbi Khaimov spent 13 years immersed in the learning halls of Eretz Yisrael’s leading yeshivos, including Yeshivat Mikdash Melech, Yeshivat HaRav Lamet, and Yeshivas Kodshim under HaRav Tzvi Kaplan shlita, where Rabbi Khaimov chose Rav Kaplan as his rebbi muvhak, solidifying a deep connection to his teachings and legacy.
Guided by daas Torah, Rabbi Khaimov launched a groundbreaking initiative, Metikut HaTorah (“The Sweetness of Torah”), with the goal of nurturing a love for Torah learning among youth. The program debuted during Chol HaMoed Sukkos at Tov Bet Midrash in Kew Gardens Hills, drawing an impressive 45 boys in grades seven through 12, along with devoted mechanchim. Each day began with a delicious breakfast and concluded with an exciting raffle offering prizes such as an electric scooter, a bicycle, drones, s’farim, and other valuable items.
The program received widespread praise from parents and students who attend local yeshivos, including Mesivta Chofetz Chaim, Mirrer Mesivta, Yeshiva Shaar HaTorah-Grodno, Yeshiva Ketana of Queens, Yeshiva Sha’arei Tzion, Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe, Metivta Tiferet Torah, Mesivta Yesodei Yeshurun, and TTI.
Building on the momentum of the Sukkos program, Rabbi Khaimov expanded Metikut HaTorah into a weekly Sunday evening gathering for boys in grades seven through nine. Hosted at Tov’s second-floor beit midrash, the program runs from 6:45 p.m. to 8:20 p.m. and includes a delightful dinner followed by Arvit. The inaugural session saw close to 35 boys in attendance, with an additional five talmidim joining in the second week.
Metikut HaTorah aims to instill a genuine sweetness and love for Torah learning in the youth of Queens’ blossoming community. Each session begins with an inspiring story delivered by Rabbi Khaimov, highlighting the significance of Torah study. The boys then divide into four groups, each led by knowledgeable and dedicated rebbeim. Before heading home, participants eagerly anticipate the weekly raffle, which features prizes such as a $50 grand prize, g’dolim photos, and s’farim.
Rabbi Khaimov’s enthusiasm and passion are at the heart of this initiative, which is built on the mission of helping boys find joy in their Torah learning. The program emphasizes how Torah is distinct from other subjects studied at school; it is the lifeblood of the Jewish nation and the cornerstone of its spiritual sustenance.
Metikut HaTorah has sparking a renewed love for Torah and is inspiring the next generation of b’nei Torah.
By Shabsie Saphirstein