This past Sunday, March 17, was a full-blown Purim fest at Aron’s Kissena Farms. Adults and children alike were all smiles, joining with staff and gleeful clowns at the mega Kew Gardens Hills supermarket. The smell of fresh popcorn filled the store, and two cotton candy machines worked overtime, churning out the tasty treats. Balloons, tied on the wrists of boys and girls, ensured every corner of the one-stop Purim shop vibed with timeless Purim fun that never let up. Nosh bags for the children were supplemented by juicy cups of freshly cut fruit, a perfect nutritious alternative enjoyed by all ages.

A raffle scheduled for 3 p.m. was the central draw for the Purim event. Anticipation grew as ticket after ticket was drawn. First off was a sturdy-looking luggage roller. Next up was a projector, followed by three elaborate mishloach manos baskets, all awarded to delighted community families.
Several employees commented on how meaningful it was to share in the holiday spirit with the customers they have grown to appreciate over the years. “The smile on my customer’s daughter’s face was priceless, as I attached a colorful balloon to her hand,” noted one seasoned Aron’s associate. Of the many patrons at the festivity was Rabbi Yonoson Hirtz, noted rav of Hillcrest Torah Center, and father of Aron’s founder and principal Aron Hirtz.
The 23,000-square-foot kosher retail space, known for its “Whole Foods” style of ready-made products, grocery items, and Aron’s-labeled delicacies, continues to give shoppers an innovative and comfortable grocery trip.

By Shabsie Saphirstein