Take a moment to see why our generation’s sages find this kollel incredibly exclusive.
Dr. Tali Skoczylas z”l was well-known to g’dolim worldwide for his healing powers. Together with his esteemed wife Devora, they raised a remarkable family in Kew Gardens Hills. This Shabbos, Parshas T’tzaveh, the neighborhood is privileged to welcome back HaRav HaGaon Yaakov Skoczylas shlita, Rosh Kollel at Kollel L’Hora’ah Yerushalayim, where a breed of poskim are nurtured with the Skoczylas signature charm that has talmidei chachamim delighted as they seek to further incubate the kollel’s rabbinic graduates in the myriad of networks.
Kollel L’Hora’ah Yerushalayim held a memorable crowning s’michah ceremony in mid-January at Ezras Torah’s Bais Yisroel Hall, honoring the remarkable achievements of these vigorous young rabbanim as they marked the commencement of their journey in rabbinical practice and leadership. Just two years ago, a similar s’michah event recognized 18 avreichim completing Issur V’Heter. As the evening progressed, guests understood that L’Hora’ah stands tall amongst kollelim, as g’dolei Yisrael steadily took the podium, bestowing endless praise on the warmth, kevod haTorah, and radiant spirit of the kollel’s new alumni. While such remarks might be expected at such a production from a couple of Torah scholars who may embellish a bit, hearing every speaker deliver such lofty praise is unusual.
HaRav HaGaon Asher Weiss shlita, distinguished guest speaker, and the return of Sephardic Chief Rabbi HaRav Yitzhak Yosef, bestowed a majestic tone to the evening. Chacham Yosef noted that he frequently experiences the kollel’s individuality and revealed that he benefits from Rav Skoczylas’ s’farim, which are amongst those he often quotes. The Rosh Kollel was privileged to have his mother, Dvora, in attendance, as the Chacham continuously praised her son’s tremendous accomplishments. One cannot think of a more fitting tribute for a kollel named in memory of her late husband, Dr. Tali. The Rosh Kollel hopes that their success is due to his father being meilitz yosher. The presence of Bnei Brak’s HaRav Bentzion Kook, L’Hora’ah’s President, and HaRav Amram Fried, added definitive credence to the kollel’s methodology. Like Mrs. Skoczylas, others from the Diaspora, as well as baalei batim from Eretz Yisrael, were all moved to witness a rabbinic dais of the highest caliber.
“Rav Skoczylas leads an outstanding kollel where the talmidim learn halachah with an emphasis on mastering halachah l’maaseh, as they strive to become the next generation of klal Yisrael’s leading rabbanim,” explained Chaim Bollag of the kollel’s administration.
Laymen often inquire what sets the learning in this kollel apart from others. Rabbanim in-training quickly learning that sh’eilos arise from all sects of frum Yidden. However, the rabbis must understand how to respond to Modern, Orthodox, Ultra-Orthodox, etc., as every Jew needs a rabbi to ask his questions. Each revered speaker stressed how rare it is to find a center of Torah learning where the avreichim are always holding in their material as if they had studied it a week prior. Rav Asher Weiss’ in-depth description of the kollel’s methodology was a poignant highlight, considering that the gadol runs his own version. Like the Rav’s words, the impressive turnout of both Israelis and Americans on a cold winter night was yet another testament of Rav Skoczylas’ efforts.
This concept is solidified by the young scholars visiting the various batei horaah throughout the Holy Land. In each, the leadership agreed that L’Hora’ah’s protégés are fluent on every topic discussed, enabling them to give piskei halachos on day-to-day sh’eilos without the element of guesswork. A particular Bnei Brak beis din receiving upwards of 1,000 questions is eager to develop L’Hora’ah’s rabbanim, often requesting that they stay on past closing time to render rulings. The Rosh Kollel encourages his avreichim to return to the beis midrash as soon as possible to continue reviewing.
Rav Skoczylas compared the focus on chazarah to a doctor desiring to provide utmost care for his patients, undertaking refreshers as necessary. The Rav saw this quality in his childhood home, as his father often read up on new medical advances. The rabbanim are educated on always being connected to the world around them, and ultimately can respond swiftly to halachic queries. Such is the reason for L’Hora’ah’s review system that requires further study on a cheilek even after the intense examination on that area is complete. When these rabbanim entertain live questions outside the confines of the kollel, they know precisely how to give a p’sak. “We give over exactly what is necessary to succeed,” noted the Rosh Kollel.
Organizational donors desire to comprehend what they are investing in, as there is no real connection shared with the blossoming talmidei chachamim. Nowadays, patrons find nachas in asking about the nooks and crannies to ensure they are supporting a super-scholar who will be a polished rav capable of serving klal Yisrael. Queens residents can look to HaRav HaGaon Noach Isaac Oelbaum shlita of Khal Nachlas Yitzchok, who is known to repeat that it only appears like he has just completed a given topic because, with the support of his Rebbetzin and family, was able to keep a seder ha’yom of regular sedarim, keeping his mind fresh in common inyanim so as to be able to offer guidance for how each Jew should live out his days.
Using this system, Rav Skoczylas cultivates responsible intellectuals. While spending time with family each weekend, avreichim are required to complete two exams that must be returned when entering on Sunday. Nearly seven hours are dedicated to this endeavor, yet the curriculum pressures elicit joy at how much learning was accomplished – often a talking point raised by the donor base that has given L’Hora’ah an impressive rapport.
L’Hora’ah regularly welcomes baalei batim who are touched by the friendliness of the rabbanim and note the amazing speed of their speech as they dissect a sugya.
L’Hora’ah’s avreichim are regularly tested by notable rabbanim, amazing them each time by having their vast knowledge at their fingertips. In recent weeks, the kollel fully mastered Hilchos Nidah. Currently, a handful of alumni serve in at batei horaah throughout Eretz Yisrael. A talmid of Rav Shmuel Wosner shlita was tested by the Rav after finishing the initial section of Yoreh Dei’ah. Now, about four years later, he completed all sections and requested that his rebbi test him on the entirety, poised to recall the information from years prior. While the Rav declined the offer due to time constraints, he stressed that there were no qualms of the avreich’s knowledge, based on his confidence and previous interactions.
For Rav Skoczylas, the role of a Rosh Kollel never ends, as it entails constant follow-up conversations. When Rav Skoczylas perceives that an avreich is struggling, the Rosh Kollel pivots to the ezras nashim, where a connection is established between the kollel wives and himself by offering divrei chizuk and general encouragement, because a heavy curriculum can only be mastered with familial support. Following the 2022 s’michah program, the wives grasped their husbands’ impact, and many admitted that their m’siras nefesh in daily chores to raise a family were worth every second, and only wished for strength to take on more at home. “I didn’t know,” said one wife at the time. “Every minute I am moser nefesh is done for my husband to reach ordination. If I can do more, I will.” Rav Skoczylas added, “No matter how big or small, I validate my prodigies and their wives, because investing time in these future rabbanim is investing time in klal Yisrael.”
Rav Skoczylas discussed how he stepped in for a Sephardic avreich who was struggling to lock down placement at a respectable beis horaah and worked out a path to obtain the position. “I use the chizuk received at the program as the encouragement needed to maintain the kollel and my warm kesher with each scholar until he is properly placed in a steady position, because once you start with a talmid you cannot give up.”
Rav Skoczylas will speak this Friday evening at the Skoczylas residence, 7255 Park Dr. East in KGH. He will speak on Shabbos morning after davening at the Young Israel of Queens Valley, as well as delivering a chaburah after kiddush. The rav is available for inquiries anytime at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
By Shabsie Saphirstein