Colors: Blue Color

The Queens community was treated on Sunday, March 27, to the annual Shevach High School production at Townsend Harris High School. The play, “Sarah with an ‘H’,” was complete with drama, interspersed with original dances, choir, and ensembles. The girls sparkled in their production. The unique and striking costumes, and the eye-catching scenery and props, all portrayed the theme very well. The audience was regaled with an enjoyable performance that not only entertained, but simultaneously imparted important life lessons.

MTA talmidim, rebbeim, and faculty had a blast during Color War on Wednesday, March 30, and Thursday, March 31! Seniors dominated, as the Blue Team with a theme of Gibor K’Ari, Juniors crushed it as the Red Team with a theme of Ratz KiTzvi, Sophomores fought hard as the Green Team with a theme of Kal K’Nesher, and Freshmen experienced their first-ever MTA Color War as the Black Team with a theme of Az K’Namer.

What were your original goals for the YCQ Purim Carnival?

My goal was to create a “Wow” carnival. Each student, ages three to 14, had a great time. Watching the children walk in, one by one, and seeing their shock and surprise, gave me so much joy! The one thing I wanted to accomplish was to make it the best carnival YCQ ever had. I’m proud to say we did accomplish just that! Our Purim Carnival Committee worked with Great Neck Games to create a creative and state-of-the-art experience.

This year, SKA held its own Science Olympiad on Tuesday, March 22, with over 34 students participating. The competition reflected how SKA students consistently apply their learning in a hands-on way. Students were paired up and competed against each other by completing different assignments or activities that demonstrated their knowledge of the material.

MTA recently launched a new initiative to help talmidim develop sophisticated research, reading, writing, organization, analysis, and presentation skills starting in Freshman year that are of tremendous value during their high school years and beyond. This program was created by a group of teachers and administrators during regular think tank-style meetings aimed to devise creative and meaningful educational programming.