This year, IVDU Five Towns started a new initiative, Mitzvah Missions, where the students learn about a mitzvah/midah each week and practice that special mitzvah corresponding to the parshah or upcoming holiday. After learning Parshas VaYeira, the students continued their study on the mitzvah of Bikur Cholim. They learned that Bikur Cholim can be visiting the sick, calling friends when they’re not feeling well, and even sending something to someone to cheer him/her up when in the hospital. To practice this special mitzvah, IVDU Five Towns, with the help of Dr. Chaim Banner, made special Shabbos packages for patients in North Shore University Hospital. Each package contains electric candles that could be used in the hospital room, a Kiddush cup, and a beautifully colored get-well card. The students personally put together each package, knowing that they’re doing this important mitzvah of Bikur Cholim.