Torah learning in Forest Hills took on a new dimension on Sunday, February 27, when Yeshiva Tiferet Tzion (YTT) hosted its biannual father-son Lunch-and-Learn program. The morning affair included words of inspiration and one-on-one learning on the second level beis midrash at the Beth Gavriel Community Center and a delicious buffet in the main hall. “The crowning jewel of the event was the siyumim made by our yeshivah bachurim on 20 mesechtos!” explained Rabbi Shay Winer, Executive Director of the yeshivah. “The dancing that followed was forever lasting.”
The Lunch-and-Learn is designed as a way for sons to give their fathers a bit of nachas from their growth in learning over the year. Fathers, in turn, departed with a deeper understanding of the toils that their sons take in uncovering the depth of a sugya in Gemara and have a profound appreciation for the learning at YTT.
“I have never seen such a beautiful gathering of fathers and sons learning together!” exclaimed Rav Zvi Spira, a noted rosh kollel and rav in Flatbush, the guest speaker for the event. “I came to give chizuk, but I am the one leaving being inspired.” Rav Moshe Aharonov, menahel of YTT, and Rav Spira have often shared of the accomplishments at YTT, but it was a new level for the Brooklyn rav to experience the k’dushas haTorah firsthand. Rav Spira discussed with the boys and their fathers the importance of learning Torah and how its wisdom can guide one throughout life’s trials and tribulations.
The spirited father-son learning sessions gave the talmidim a chance to bond with their fathers on a new level. Fathers and sons were then treated to a special shiur delivered by twelfth grade rebbe, Rabbi Shimon Shain, who spoke appropriately on the topic of Kibud Av VaEim, also part of the sugya being covered in yeshivah. The shiur was followed by questions and answers that were explored at the program.
By Shabsie Saphirstein