The sixth-grade year-long Kanfei Yud Beis Program culminated in a beautiful and meaningful mother-daughter bas mitzvah celebration. The goal of the program is to prepare the girls for their transition into becoming a bas mitzvah. Throughout the year, Mrs. Elisa Alpert, creator of the program, delivered workshops to the students on various topics, such as “My Relationship with Hashem,” “My Relationship with My Family,” “My Relationship with the Community,” etc. Each workshop added a new dimension to the girls’ understanding of the responsibilities and expectations of a bas mitzvah girl as she enters this new stage in life. Mrs. Alpert also invited special guest speakers to enhance her workshops. Her dedication to the program was admirable, and her gentleness and sincerity endeared her to all the girls.
scThe program was introduced at the beginning of the year with a beautifully prepared breakfast for the girls, and culminated this week with an elegantly prepared party for mothers and daughters. Mrs. Jurkowitz, Limudei Kodesh Principal, spoke about her own bas mitzvah experience, and explained the theme and mashal of the “bird taking flight” in the Kanfei Yud Beis Program. The idea is that when used properly, the wings of a bird help the bird take flight rather than weigh him down. So, too, the bas mitzvah girl with her new mitzvos and responsibilities, when viewed correctly, are an opportunity to soar in many ways. Mrs. Jurkowitz explained that the vision of the bas mitzvah program is to provide a meaningful and impactful ruchniyus growth experience to counter the obvious surge in physical growth at this time.
Mrs. Alpert then addressed the audience and highlighted some of the lessons the girls experienced over the year. The well-known guest speaker, Mrs. Jackie Bitton, mesmerized the audience with her humor and inspirational message. She emphasized the importance of living our lives as givers, a lesson learned from Avraham Avinu. She dramatically related two personal stories. The girls came away with the understanding that when you are giving, you are truly living. Whenever the opportunity comes your way, be a giver!
A video, produced by Mr. Rachmi Savetsky, was shown, highlighting the girls’ impressions of the program. Then, the entire sixth grade performed the inspirational Kanfei theme song, “Higher and Higher.” A stunning video, produced by Mrs. Chedva Abrahamson, accompanied the girls’ presentation. Each girl received a special gift of a necklace depicting the theme, and a cookie with the Kanfei Yud Beis logo.
The evening was enhanced with mother-daughter photos, which were printed on the spot for everyone to take home. Each girl truly felt special, and the simchah of this special occasion permeated the evening.
Many thanks go to Mrs. Finkey Levine for organizing the beautifully prepared event, and to Mrs. Elisa Taub for her help with the program. The Kanfei Yud Beis Program will definitely help the girls soar “higher and higher” in their avodas Hashem and interpersonal relationships as they enter this new stage in life.