The boys in the Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe Early Childhood Program were treated to a fun, hand-on, matzah-baking experience. Together with their moros, the boys came into to the Lunchroom, which had been converted into a Matzah Factory. The tables were lined with brown paper, and each boy was given a special baker hat to wear. Then the “work” began.
They discussed what ingredients are needed for matzah, and compared the similarities and differences between matzah and bread. After realizing that matzah is made from flour and water, the boys had to figure out where flour comes from. The boys were given stalks of wheat and each pair of partners took apart the wheat and removed the wheat kernels from its shells. Next, each boy had a chance to place his wheat kernels in the wheat grinder and manually turn and grind his kernels into flour. This flour was then used (with some additional flour and water) to make the matzah.
We discussed that matzah needs to be made in 18 minutes, and explained to the boys why the matzah we made is not for Pesach. The boys had a chance to help mix the batter, and to see how the flour and water were kneaded together to make dough. Each boy received a piece of dough, which was quickly rolled out and holes were added before being placed in the oven to bake. Each boy took home one of the special, hand-made matzahs. This Matzah Factory really allowed the boys to experience how matzah is made, and it gave them a whole new level of appreciation for the matzah they will be eating over Pesach.