While Sukkos may have looked different this year than it has in previous years, MTA infused Yom Tov with its signature inspiration, energy, and achdus through special MTA@Home Sukkos programming. These programs included guidelines, helpful tips, and a list of Sukkos songs to make Yom Tov meaningful for those who were unable to attend shul in person and help deepen their connection to Hashem while at home; MTA@Home Indoor Olympics, where talmidim completed fun and exciting challenges and were able to compete with one another from the comfort of their own homes; and a Tikkun Leil Hoshana Rabbah learning program in the yeshivah’s virtual Zoom Beis Midrash, which featured inspiring and engaging shiurim with MTA rebbeim, and an interactive shiur with the Menahel of Yeshivat Shaarei Mevaseret Zion and the NCSY Kollel, Rabbi Mordechai Burg.
“Each year, our talmidim and rebbeim enjoy celebrating Sukkos together at Simchas Beis HaShoeivah events and shiurim held in our local communities,” shared Associate Principal Rabbi Shimon Schenker. “It was especially important to us to ensure that these celebrations continued this year, even if they could not be held in person. Our MTA@Home programming enabled us to provide inspiring and fun opportunities to enhance simchas Yom Tov for our talmidim and enable them to celebrate with their friends and rebbeim in a safe and meaningful way.”