During the week of final exams and the first week of winter break, Rabbi Schenker and Rabbi Shulman had the great pleasure of spending time with many of the MTA alumni who are learning in yeshivos in Eretz Yisrael. Once they arrived, their schedule became a whirlwind of visits, with multiple yeshivos on the agenda each day.
They devoted many hours to meeting individually with each talmid, discussing the progress of the talmidim with their rebbeim and roshei yeshivah, often offering advice based on their experience with the talmidim, and advocating for their current 12th graders to be accepted into the yeshivos of their choices as well.
As they visited each yeshivah, Rabbi Schenker and Rabbi Shulman were deeply impressed by the incredible growth and development of the alumni as b’nei Torah. Across the yeshivos, the MTA alumni are excelling in their learning, strengthening their yir’as Shamayim, and deepening their love for Eretz Yisrael.
Particularly noteworthy were the detailed, goal-oriented schedules of many alumni, who have taken on ambitious objectives for self-development and commitment to limud haTorah. Rabbi Schenker remarked, “It was truly inspiring to be in Eretz Yisrael, but it was equally inspiring to be with our talmidim and witness how they have grown and continue to grow.”
The visit was capped with a reunion at Yeshiva University’s Gruss Kollel, which brought MTA alumni from all over Eretz Yisrael together for a melaveh malkah and kumsitz. Talmidim were excited to be reunited with their former classmates and spend an evening together once again. The cohesiveness of the YUHSB talmidim really sets them apart and was a source of nachas for all who were gathered that evening. MTA looks forward to welcoming their alumni back to the high school building during the month of Nisan for their annual “Return and Learn” program.