Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe talmidim have come together to spread warmth and gratitude to the brave soldiers of the IDF. Under the guidance of Rabbi Friedman and Rabbi Kasirer, students from both classes penned heartfelt letters and carefully assembled care packages for chayalim serving in Eretz Yisrael.

These packages, filled with thoughtful notes and goodies, will be delivered to soldiers during the Yeshiva’s winter break, offering a much-needed reminder of support and appreciation from afar. Special thanks go to the Zimmerman family for agreeing to deliver these meaningful tokens of appreciation, helping to brighten the day for those who serve am Yisrael with dedication and courage.

This initiative reflects the strong sense of community and kindness at YTM, showing that even small acts of thoughtfulness can have a big impact. It reminds us all of the importance of supporting those who protect the Land of Israel and its people.