The Hishtadeil Lihyos Ish Midos Program has begun at BYQ with an introductory assembly for grades 1-8. The very talented moros presented an all-new musical play entitled Rabbi Vonka And The Kosher Chocolate Factory. The students were spellbound and thoroughly amused, as the lessons of midos tovos came to life in a clear, entertaining, and humorous way. The four midos presented that will be focused on this year are Kibbud Horim U’Morim (Honoring Parents and Teachers), Samei’ach B’Chelko (Happy with One’s Lot), Nosei B’Ol Im Chaveiro (Sharing Another’s Burden), and Hakaras HaTov (Appreciation).

Mrs. Nechama Jurkowitz began by the assembly leading the girls with a perek of T’hilim. Rabbi Mordechai Ginsparg addressed the girls by focusing on the four midos. He stressed that hakaras ha’tov is the root of all good midos, but that words of appreciation are not sufficient; they must be translated into actions. We must “show” our parents and teachers, and especially Hashem, our gratefulness! At the same time, he urged the girls to “share another’s burden,” not only through their actions but also through their words, especially by davening for others in their times of need.


Following the performance, Mrs. Elisa Taub, midos program coordinator, introduced this year’s midos journal contest for grades 3-8. The contest is called the Round Of Applause contest. This connects to our “Hand” theme of the year. Each midah cycle, the two classes that win the raffle will receive a “round” swirly Danish celebration! She then introduced the midah of the week and the important points to work on. There was a tremendous feeling of ruach and achdus as the girls joined along in the already familiar weekly announcement.

The assembly culminated with all the girls standing up and singing the theme song “Hineni” with the motions. The smiles on their faces were contagious, and the positive energy reverberated throughout the gym.

Each student received a midos folder with a striking cover to hold all the beautiful midos lessons they will be learning this year.

Special thank you to Mrs. Chedva Abrahamson and Miss Hadassah Gottesman for all their work. A tremendous yasher koach to the wonderful morah actresses – Mrs. Tehilla Ben-Ari, Mrs. Nechama Davidowitz, Mrs. Hindy Howitt, Mrs. Amanda Rosenfelt, Miss Tanya Sadian, Mrs. Elisa Taub, and Miss Devorah Wangrofsky – for the outstanding performance and going beyond their comfort zone to entertain the students in such a meaningful way.


What an amazing beginning to our exciting midos program! Looking forward to seeing continuous growth in our students as we work together to inculcate midos tovos in them!