On Wednesday, May 15, Bnos Malka Academy hosted the Michael and Irina Kimyagarov Math Tournament. Seventh and eighth grade girls from all over the tri-state area participated in the event along with their school coaches. Schools in attendance were Barkai Yeshiva, Bnos Malka Academy, Hebrew Academy of Nassau County, Hebrew Academy of Long Beach, Yeshiva of New Jersey, and Yeshiva Shaarei Tzion.

Despite the high level of math and the intensity of the problem solving, the atmosphere was friendly and cordial. The competition began with an inter-team activity to help students become comfortable and get to know students from other schools. This was followed by an individual tournament round and then a team tournament round.

At the completion of each round, Mrs. Kimyagarov facilitated discussion of some of the problems, which created dialogue between all the students.

Congratulations to this year’s winners: 8th Grade Team competition: Eighth grade Bnos Malka placed first and HALB and RYNJ placed second. Seventh Grade Team competition: HANC and RYNJ placed first and Bnos Malka second. Seventh Grade Individual Winner Hanna Hirschel (HANC) and Eighth Grade was Tali Lasker (RYNJ).

The Tournament was a true celebration of math, and all participants gained from the experience.