The Fourth Grade Boys of YCQ participated in a beautiful melaveh malkah on Motza’ei Shabbos, February 3, while the Fourth Grade Girls had an inspiring event of their own, the following week, on February 10.
The boys and their families enjoyed a delicious dinner and a performance by the students. The highlight of the night came when the talmidim had the opportunity to make their very own tzitzis! Students connected to this special mitzvah like never before, and even had the chance to make extra pairs for chayalim in Israel.
The girls’ event was just as spectacular. Students heard an inspiring story from Mrs. Amit Yaghoubi and created stunning boxes for birchonim. The night ended with an incredible performance by the students, which featured a moving rendition of the Mi SheBeirach for Tzahal. Throughout the song, the talmidos held up signs with names of chayalim connected to the YCQ family, including alumni and relatives of faculty.
A special thank you goes to all of the students, parents, teachers, administrators, and guests, who made both nights so memorable.