This past Motza’ei Shabbos, December 31, roughly 150 members of the Hillcrest community and beyond united for an avos u’banim program aptly entitled, “Achdus.” The event saw grandparents learning Torah concepts with their grandchildren, and parents engaged in learning with their children in a tremendous display of the achdus and warm Torah atmosphere that Hillcrest has long fostered. All enjoyed fresh pizza, tasty ice cream, and an array of incredible prizes.
The joint project included the participation of Rabbi Leeor Dahan’s Kehillat Avodat Hashem, Rabbi Moshe Faskowitz’s Yeshiva Madreigas HaAdam, and was graciously hosted by the Young Israel of Hillcrest with Rabbi Etan Schnall.
Kol ha’kavod to all the attendees, organizers, and contributors, and notably to Chanan Grushiyev and Heshy Pollack who selflessly devoted their time to organizing this worthy experience of limud Torah.
By QJL Staff