The three-week period that begins with the fast of the 17th of Tamuz and climaxes with Tish’ah B’Av is known as “The Three Weeks.” It is a time of mourning and reflection for the destruction of both the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem as well as many other tragedies that befell klal Yisrael over the course of history. In order to internalize and grow from the memory of these calamities, Chazal instituted increasing degrees of mourning practices during this period.
For example, we don’t conduct weddings, play musical instruments, or listen to music, recite the She’hecheyanu blessing, etc.
Rav Soloveitchik explains that the period of The Three Weeks is designed to gradually bring the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash into the center of our consciousness. Proper observance of these halachos prepares us to take the next step and begin to experience a true sense of aveilus during The Nine Days and through Tish’ah B’Av. It is only through the meticulous observance of the halachos of mourning for the Beis HaMikdash that we can reasonably hope to merit seeing the rebuilding of the Beis HaMikdash in our lifetime.
There is a story told of Napoleon walking through the streets of Paris on Tish’ah B’Av. As he passed a shul, he heard the sounds of mourning. “What’s this all about?” Napoleon asked. An aide explained that the Jews were in mourning for the loss of their Temple. “When did this happen?” Napoleon asked. The aide replied, “About 1,700 years ago.” Napoleon said, “A nation that cries and fasts for 1,700 years for their land and Temple will surely be rewarded with their Temple.”
List of People Who Need a r’fuah sh’leimah (a complete recovery)
Please recite Psalms 20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.
Yonasan ben Sigalit
David ben Sarah
Yaakov ben Simchah
Eliyahu ben Margalit
Yitzchak ben Mazal
Yitzchak Chaim ben Sarah
Yosef ben Nosrat
Moshe ben Mazal
Mordechai ben Chanah
Shlomo ben Miriam
Yosef ben Renee
Nesanel ben Miriam
Ariel ben Sarah
Chaim Yonah ben Ilana
Ovadiah ben Avraham
Tinok ben Yocheved
Michael Chayim ben Ilanit
Chai Yitzchak ben Esther Rivkah
Shalom ben Tofucha Malkah
Yisrael ben Raizel Shoshana Miriam
Rafael ben Sveta
Shlomo ben Samsi
Fredel bas Hendil
Rachel Leah bas Esther
Adele bas Sarah
Ava bas Ilana Esther
Sonia bas Rachel
Tovah Yocheved bas Esther Bukas
Ruchama Perel Malkah Leah bas Chanah Serel
Esther Hadasah bas Devorah
Ora bas Naomi
Miriam bas Rivkah
Elka Rachel bas Sarah Malkah
Lielle Devorah bas Esther
Blume bas Esthel Rivkah
Tziporah bas Fruma
Miryam bas Sarah
Shalvah bas Sarah
Ahavah Chayah bas Neda
Rachel bas Batya
Sima Leah bas Vikia
To add names of individuals who need a r’fuah sh’leimah to next week’s T’hilim column, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and complete the Google form.