In T’hilim (10:9), it states, “He lies in wait, like a lion in his lair (literally “his sukkah”), he lies in wait to snatch the poor one. He snatches the poor one by pulling him into his net.”
On the surface, this chapter of T’hilim seems to be referring to enemies of the human sort, but it can also refer to our biggest internal enemy, the Yeitzer HaRa (Evil Inclination), whose raison d’être is to cast its net, cause us to stumble, and ultimately pull us away from Hashem, His commandments, and the truth we know in our heart of hearts.
So strong is the Yeitzer HaRa’s influence that without Heavenly assistance we would be unable to overcome it.
The Gemara explains that the Yeitzer HaRa takes on three personas as he seeks to lodge within an individual: a “Wayfarer,” an invited “Guest,” and finally a “Man.” First it appears as an innocent wayfarer, who has no particular hold on the person; then as a regular boarder who is tolerated by his host. And finally, it makes itself at home, exerting full control over the person’s thoughts, desires, and actions. This is why Chazal urge us to be: [A]s strong as a lion to do the will of Your Father in Heaven (Pirkei Avos 5:20)
We should gather our strength, be as strong as a lion. Why? Because that is precisely how the Yeitzer HaRa deals with each of us. Every day, the Yeitzer HaRa gathers all its strength and rises up to wage a new battle within a person. Even when he fails, he quickly and stealthily changes his approach, waiting for the right moment to resume his attack from another angle or position. He never tires, never gets discouraged, and is persistent.
(Material was previously published on
List of People Who Need a r’fuah sh’leimah (a complete recovery)
Please recite Psalms 20, 30, 88, 121, and 130.
Yossi Azriel ben Chayah Michal
Aviel ben Ktziyah Batyah
Eliyahu ben Sophia
Mordechai ben Rachel Anba
Nissim ben Devorah
Ezra ben Farida
Yossi ben Vardit
Yaakov ben Mazal
Nissan ben Yael
Yehoshua ben Miriam
Eliyahu ben Miriam
Aharon Mordechai ben Sharon
Moshe ben Rachel
Gavriel ben Imo-Shalom
Marik ben Tamara
Yitzchak ben Chanom Chanah
Yosef ben Leah
Shlomo ben Miriam
Shalom Baruch ben Malkah Freida
Ilay Eliezer ben Rivah Rivkah
Misha Moshe ben Tamara
Meir Yaakov ben Esther
Shlomo Hartzel ben Eka
Chaim Zanvil ben Sarah Dinah
Reuven HaKohen ben Golda
Amram ben Perla
Arkady Avraham ben Mazal
Itai ben Ahuvah
Eliyahu ben Rachel
Pinchas Yitzchak ben Beila
Yosef Gideon Yaakov ben Peninah
Yaakov Reuven ben Brachah
Tovah Yocheved bas Esther Bukas
Ruchamah Perel Malkah Leah bas Chanah Serel
Esther Hadasah bas Devorah
Alizah bas Miriam
Shoshanah Shurah bas Zina
Luna bas Rachel
Malkah bas Miriam
Malkah bas Reicha Shifrah
Adele bas Adi
Evon bas Sally
Karen bas Rachel
Chavah bas Sarah
Brachah Chanah bas Sarah
Tovah Chanah bas Sarah Devorah
Rachel bas Edith
Chanah Elianah bas Naomi
Gittel bas Malkah
Mira Gitta bas Beila Mariasha
To add names of individuals who need a r’fuah sh’leimah to next week’s T’hilim column, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and complete the Google form.
To add names of individuals who need a r’fuah sh’leimah to next week’s T’hilim column, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and complete the Google form.