Daily Giving, a unique effort in which one can guarantee himself/herself a mitzvah every day by automatically donating one dollar to tz’dakah, has reached another major milestone. The organization has signed up more than 8,000 members who give charity together each day. Daily Giving is now scheduled to donate almost $3 million to its beneficiary nonprofit organizations over the next 12 months.
“Last year at this time, we had under 4,000 members, so we have more than doubled the number of our donors in the past 12 months,” said Dr. Jonathan Donath, the founder of Daily Giving. “And the truth is that we have only scratched the surface of the potential number of people we can attract.”
Daily Giving is a simple yet powerful concept. Once a donor signs up, he or she receives an email, telling him which of the participating charities received the Daily Giving donation that day, how much was donated, and a little blurb about that organization. As the number of donors grows, the amount of each daily donation grows – even though each person’s donation amount remains the same.
“My favorite thing about Daily Giving is that it is uniting Jews of all types from over 40 different countries to give together. We can have such a meaningful impact when we do things together. What more could Hashem want than for his children to come together to give to those less fortunate,” said Donath.
The organization, which was started in 2019, boasts a rabbinical council consisting of Rabbi Hershel Schachter, Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, and Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff.
“One of the biggest reasons we have been able to grow from zero to more than 8,000 members, and why we are now able to donate millions of dollars annually to over 50 incredible nonprofit organizations, is the support we have received from many well-known rabbanim, who have been willing to encourage their followers with public pronouncements to sign up for DailyGiving.org and to give at least $1 a day in tz’dakah,” said Donath.
Daily Giving is planning several free programs in 2022, as a thank-you to those already signed up for Daily Giving and as a way to make others aware of its important work.
Donath said, “Imagine the impact that your single dollar of charity each day can make when it is combined with so many others. And every morning you can wake up and it’s already 1-0 you. No matter what else you might do that day, you have already performed the mitzvah of giving charity.”
Donath also said that DailyGiving.org, which is a recognized 501(c)3, does not spend any of the charitable money it collects on administrative costs. “Every dollar that is donated goes straight to the recipient organizations,” said Donath.
If you’d like to sign up for DailyGiving.org, please visit www.dailygiving.org. It takes only 30 seconds, and once you are a member, you’ll be joining a community of thousands of other Jews who are already giving one dollar a day to tz’dakah.
By Michael Feldstein